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Lately there'd been a little bit of tension between you and Slash; conversations weren't the same and the passion was slowly starting to burn itself out. Currently he was out with Izzy and Steven drinking, not that you minded. Even when things were really good between you and Slash, which they usually were, it was nice to get breaks from each other – heaven knows being cramped together on a tour bus 24/7 led to short tempers and frequent arguments. When either of you had an opportunity to go out somewhere and get a bit of space, both of you took it.
Deciding that sitting on the bed biting your nails wasn't going to help you, you make your way out of yours and Slash's sleeping area, hunting down Duff.
You and Duff had managed to develop a good friendship – despite telling awful jokes, he was quite comforting to be around in the moments you didn't have Saul by your side.
"Duff," you call quietly as you entered the crampy kitchen space of the bus, looking for the mass of blonde hair. You catch him sitting down, drinking something out of a red plastic cup. "Hi." You smile at him, sitting down opposite.
He lifts his head and smiles at you, "hey [Y/N]" he nods your way.
"How come you're not with everyone else?" You wonder why he would chose to sit here drinking instead of going out drinking with everybody else – excluding Axl who was somewhere else on the bus, probably writing more lyrics.
He shrugs nonchalantly, mumbling "Not really in the mood for it."
You don't push on the subject, nodding. You twist your fingers, picking at odd bits of skin around your fingernail. You want to ask Duff for help but you don't want to bother him when he's clearly got his own problems on his mind to deal with.
"What is it?" He asks, looking at you inquisitively.
You pause, wondering how to phrase your small predicament. "Has Slash... y'know, has Slash said anything about me recently?" You almost dread the answer and sit anxiously waiting.
Duff's face contorted in thought. He eventually shook your head, making you sigh out in relief. "Not that I can think of, why?"
You huff a little, just thinking of your problems put masses of weight on your shoulders. "Things have just been a bit... tense. He's acting strange and I was starting to worry that he was bored of me." You confess, words turning in to whispers. It was embarrassing to admit and you hated the fact you were having to ask for advice from one of Slash's friends, but you didn't think you had any other choice.
"No," Duff shook his head slowly, looking at you sympathetically. "He won't be bored of you, he's probably just tired. Touring really drains everyone." You nod, knowing that's true. It was tiring for you and you weren't the one having to perform every other night.
"I know, I just," as you talk you hear footsteps. Thinking it's Axl you lean closer to Duff over the table in order to keep your conversation private. "I worry about us. I don't want him to suddenly decide he's tired of me." The truthful confession makes your lip wobble, but you quickly rein in your emotions – crying in front of Duff would be a new low.
"What the fuck is this?" The deep voice of Slash makes both of you turn sharply, eyes wide. "This looks fuckin' cosy." He snarls, slamming a half-empty bottle of beer on the counter top, stalking off towards the bedroom.
"Slash," you call after him, huffing at his stroppy moods. "Thanks Duff," you acknowledge his attempt at advice, turning and running after your very pissed off boyfriend.
"Get out." He barks at you, not even turning to face you as you enter the bedroom. Hes facing away from you, removing his shirt.
"Saul," you start, being cut off before you could try to explain.
He lights a cigarette, holding it tightly. "Go and stay in Duff's room," effectively, he's kicking you out. "You probably would've anyway if I hadn't walked in when I did."
You're appalled at the way he can talk to you, accusing you of something you would never do. "That's ridiculous Saul and you know it." Your patience was definitely running thin.
"Do I?" He retorted childishly.
"I was asking him for advice!" You shriek, frustration coating your words. "I was asking him for advice on us." You admit in a more hushed voice, looking down at your feet.
"What about us?" He questions, walking over to you. You feel a gentle hand at your chin, propping your head up so that the two of you make eye contact. You look at his slightly dilated eyes, seeing how much softer they looked compared to a few moments ago.
"I thought you were bored of me," you feel your eyes starting to get watery and do your best to maintain a calm composure. "I thought we were finished."
Slash frowns, his forehead becoming wrinkled, eyebrows dipping low. He shakes his head, a wild mass of curls following his movements. "No [Y/N], we're nowhere near finished." He kisses your cheek gently. "I didn't realise you were feeling like that, you should have said something."
"I know," you return his kiss, placing your lips briefly on his. "I wouldn't ever cheat on you, ever." You tell him, referring to his insinuation about you and Duff.
He smiles at you, nose ring gleaming. "I know, I just uh- I just got mad seeing you two all cosy together." Now it's his turn to look down at his feet nervously – the sight was absolutely adorable.
"You were jealous!" You tease, grinning up at him.
"Yeah, yeah, shut up [Y/N]." He teases back, sticking his cigarette in his mouth.

Gurl hopefully you would forgive me!!! I did write you this  steamy  imagine   Of Saul getting jealous and over protective  -L 🤤🤤🤤🤤

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