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"And he threw down a one hundred dollar bill and said... 'Paint My House'!" Duff let out a large grin after telling the story for the 20th time tonight, you and Izzy shoot an annoyed look at each other rolling your eyes and smiling slightly.
you were seated at the bar in The Whiskey A Go Go. The bartender set the drink down in front of Duff trying hard to fake a laugh. He then set two drinks down in front of Izzy and yourself, all three of you took the shot down in one go. Izzy kept suggestively scanning your body with his eyes, your curls falling just below your shoulders. You were dressed in nothing to fancy; A leather jacket, a Social Distortion Tee, tight leather pants and black botties to top the look off, also making you seem tall enough to comfortably look them in the eye.
"Hey guys we're gonna take off..." Slash stumbled between you and Izzy and wrapped an arm around your waist, "wouldn't wanna let this night go to waste, if you know what I mean!" Slash pointed yours and Izzy's direction to two women standing with Axl and Steven behind him, both women running their hands on each of the boys bodies and kissing them.
"You kids have fun!" Slash winks at you and pecks you on the cheek before stumbling back over to his crew of sex toys.
You let out a little laugh before signaling for another drink, the bartender poured you a jack and coke and gave Izzy a different concoction. Duff turns to you and notices your attention focused on Izzy, he stood up from the bar stool and grabbed your waist, pulling you into him.
"Having fun over here now are we?" he says playfully while flicking his tongue on your ear.
you shrugged Duff off and turned around to look at him, a tall, walking, talking, platinum blond, Giraffe... tree.. thingy.
"Well of course, your just becoming boring!" you say jokingly while pushing him back slightly.
"Oh..." you could see the lightbulb light up as he came up with an idea, "Boring you say..."
"What are you thinking of Duff..." You ask worriedly yet curious as to what he has running through his head.
"Why since you seem so into Izzy and you think I'm so boring why don't the three of us head back to your place and spice things up." He says, his drunken body going limp as he sits back on the stool and crosses his arms staring at you then at Izzy.
You turn around to see what Izzy's response is to the offer, he shrugged his shoulders and grinned, "Why the hell not, nobody will remember this shit in the morning anyways!"
You turn to look at Duff, "Fine, but my apartment... my rules" You give a devilish grin as you drag both boys out of the bar, and down the dimly light sidewalks of L.A. You stopped at the liquor store and bought two bottles of Jack Daniels and a bottle of vodka.
You gave Duff the vodka and Izzy one of the bottles of Jack, and the three of you walked on down the street, slowly draining the bottles while yelling random things into the night, the occasional elder yelling out their window for you all to "SHUT THE FUCK UP!", L.A was packed with lovable drunks wandering around from place to place to get their next fill of alcohol.
"Heads up man!" a voice yelled from behind you, the sound of a skateboard on cement suddenly becoming clear, you throw yourself into Izzy and Duff stumbled out onto the road to allow the teenager to glide past you, his blue spiky hair standing out from the rest of the crowd as he pushed himself faster.
All three of you step back onto the sidewalk, you throw your empty bottle somewhere in the darkness and hear it shatter. Duff sets his hand on your ass and squeezes enough to arouse you slightly, as if on cue, Izzy leans down and kisses your neck and then plants a kiss on your lips.
As you walked up to the door of the apartment building you fumbled with your keys as both boys had their hands on you, touching you, exploring you. you put the key in the hole and pushed the door open with your shoulder, as you walked forward Duff stopped you and picked you up, you set your hands on his shoulders and kissed him, your curly hair falling in his face, Izzy grabs your torso while still in Duffs arms and kisses your neck.
You all made your way up the stairs, slowly, but surely. Buy the time you all got to your front door Izzy found the key and unlocked it and busted in. Duff set you down and Izzy pushed you into the door and pinned your hands above your head as duff kicked his shoes off, Izzy kissed your collar bone repeatedly. you and Izzy kicked your shoes off and took of your jackets, one thing lead to another and you were in the bedroom, peeling your clothes off. Izzy grabbed your bare breast and put your nipple in his mouth and sucked, gasps escaped your mouth as you laid back into the bed, Duff began rubbing your wet area, in your panties, Duff began to kiss your mouth, slipping his tongue into your mouth. You pushed Duff off and he and Izzy switched positions, Izzy biting your bottom lip, and sucking on your neck.
You let them tease around with you, their fingers exploring your body even more, and their mouths in uncharted areas, leaving your back arched high and your head back. gasps and moans leaving your body louder than intended, obviously not loud enough Izzy pulled your panties down to your ankles and spread your legs even wider, allowing his tongue to enter your woman hood, Duff stuck 3 fingers in and began the movements, your mouth open as wide as it can, if it were to open any further you'd be considered a snake, your jaw would unhinge and be large enough to eat a human (Sorry duff).
"Fuck!" you yelled, a moan escaping your lips directly after.
You put your hands on Izzy's head and tangled your fingers through his greasy, sweaty, black ball of hair as you reached climax. Izzy stopped momentarily and looked up at you, "You like that babe?" he wipes his mouth.
You whimper wanting more, while shaking your head up and down.
"But, it's - It's your turn..." you sit up and pull them down to the bed, they flip onto their backs and wait to see what was next. You gave a devilish smile while catching your breath
"My turn!" you smile even more and pull their pants down, you set your mouth around Izzy's tip and slather it before taking his member down. You reach over and grip Duff's member and slid your hand up and down until both men were begging for more, you got on top of Izzy and sucked on Duff for a bit while moving your hips, allowing Izzy's member inside of you, and then switched back over to Duff, now on top of Duff, grinding and moving, kissing Izzy as Duff kissed your neck, you moved your hands on Izzy's length. twisting your wrist to get all the best moans. You finish the night by going down to their hips and pumping both fists on each ones length as they reached maximum and hit their climax, they both came all down your hand, You got I bit on your breasts and sat up.
"You boys like that?" you ask, wiping down with the sheet.
both nodded fast and simultaneously.
"bored now?" Izzy asked, Duff pulled you down between them and they both wrapped an arm around you.
"Just a little," You smile softly and kiss them both on the cheek, "Now get the fuck out of my apartment!"
You guys I'm so sorry for not updating ,
yunno college and all, it's like a fucking prison 🤦‍♂️ but anyways I hope you motherfuckers enjoy this.. horny assholes -L

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