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☆.。.:*  .。.:*☆

Jimin's eyelids stick together as he struggles to open them, and he groans in disgust at the gross sensation.

Suddenly Jimin notices Jungkook isn't still wrapped around him, and he sighs. When he turns, however, he notices a note on the nightstand.

sorry. I know you probably wanted to wake up next to me. I'm terribly sorry and I promise I'll make up for it at some point. Something came up and I had to leave. If you need me, just call or text.

Jimin smiles at the way it's signed, and he feels a pang of happiness that Jungkook felt that he needed to leave a note. Jungkook was always quite shy and anxious, he never wanted to be in the wrong. However Jimin would never blame the brunette for anything.

The orange haired boy yawns once more, and he's about to reach for his laptop when he remembers he's in Jungkook's apartment. Whatever. He'll just use the younger's computer to watch YouTube.

Jimin slips out of the white bedsheets and shuffles over to the table that the laptop sits on. When he opens it, Jimin's eyes widen, and he edges forward in his chair. He can't believe the article before him.

10 signs you're falling in love, according to science

Jimin smirks as his mind swirls with ideas, and he can't believe that the young boy might be in love. Jimin knows that Jungkook is quite the helpless romantic, and that Jungkook strongly believed in soul mates.

Jungkook always said that he wouldn't go out with someone unless he truly loved them, purely because he felt as though he wouldn't be able to pretend such a strong feeling. However Jungkook saw the entirety of the galaxy in everyone, and Jimin could see every star shine whenever Jungkook smiles. Jungkook would spend days just curled up in bed, daydreaming about his soulmate and whether he would ever find his. It was clear that love was a very important subject to him. The brunette always felt certain emotions stronger than others, and that could have had something to do with his utterly beautiful mind. He had always seen everything differently than others. Sort of dream-like and spaced out, Jimin would describe it.

Jimin, however, always saw the world in a completely different light. Unlike the brunette, he never believed in soul mates. He fell in love easily, and quickly. Unfortunately, the orange haired boy also fell out of love rather quickly. Jimin had dated so many people by the end of his high school career, that he wouldn't be surprised if his name was etched into a stall in the girl's washroom reading: Park Jimin: stay away!! He's a fuckboy and will drop you as fast as he sees you!

Of course, his tendencies changed later when he came to the conclusion he was gay. He learned the reason he fell out of love was simply because he had only dated girls. He hadn't had any specific attraction to girls except for friendship.

Now, Jimin does get around, but it's less prominent in his personality. Really the only way you'd know it is that he gets extremely flirty and horny when he's drunk.

Jimin's mind overflows with the dreamlike train of thought in his head, and he can't ignore the question ebbing through the waves of thought.

Who could our Jungkookie be in love with?

Jungkook waves Taehyung goodbye after their encounter. His mind swirls with thoughts based on the thing he just admitted to. He somehow can't stop repeating the phrase in his head.

I'm in love with Park Jimin.

I, Jeon Jungkook, am in love with my best friend, Park Jimin.

I think he's my soulmate.

Jungkook stops, and groans in frustration, his mind full of distraught.

It's not right for Jungkook to be in love with someone who thinks nothing more of him than friendship.

Jungkook slips into an alley, slides down the wall and curls up, seeming to expect the bricks to absorb him so that he wouldn't have to face Jimin.

He cries.

He pushes his face into his knees, his heart wrenching, his chest heaving in panic. He can't stop crying. It hurts to breathe.

Jungkook is confused. Why does it hurt so much? He always thought that whenever he fell in love, it would be better than this. He thought it would be the happiest feeling in the world.

Then again, he also never expected to fall in love with his best friend.

Jungkook takes out his phone, still sobbing. He opens his notes, starting a new one.

Jimin hyung

I don't know how to tell you this. I also don't know when I'm going to tell you this. I just figured it out today, and according to Taehyung hyung, it's pretty obvious. Maybe you already know. Maybe it's no use telling you this ever. Trust me, I'd rather make this feeling go away than have to tell you. I guess I should stop stalling and get to the point. Jimin hyung, I've found my soul mate. You're probably super happy for me and all that, but there's something wrong. You're my soul mate.

Jungkook's tears have been subdued for now, and he wipes his eyes. He locks the note he just made, not really knowing the point of writing it. He assumes it was just a thing that he did to organize his thoughts and help him calm down. The brunette chuckles a little, seeing it worked.

He pushes himself off the dirty ground, standing and heading back home, finally ready to face his soul mate.

Jungkook opens the door to his apartment. He sees Jimin sitting at the table drinking iced tea. Jungkook raises an eyebrow.

"When did you get up?" The brunette asks. Jimin shrugs.

"I don't know, probably like 9:00 or something. I wasn't too hungry so I just grabbed this from the fridge." The elder gestures toward the drink on the table. "I hope that's okay." He says. Jungkook shrugs. Jimin nods. "Where were you?"

Jungkook hesitates. "I went for morning coffee with Taehyung." He says, hoping Jimin won't ask anymore questions. When Jimin nods, satisfied, Jungkook feels a weight being lifted off his chest. The pair stay silent for a bit before Jimin says something that makes Jungkook jump.

"So, I saw something on your laptop..."

Jungkook's eyes widen in shock and he drops his phone. Jimin gets up to walk over to the blushing male.

"I know you're in love, Jungkookie." Jimin says, giggling. Jungkook forces back a whine from the cute noise. "So you just have to tell me..."

Jungkook winces, waiting for Jimin to laugh at the fact that it's him. Holy shit, why didn't he close the tab? Why did he leave his laptop out? Why the fuck did he look it up in the first place? Holy fuck, Jungkook, What the fuck did you do? Whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck-

"'s Taehyung, right?"
☆.。.:*  .。.:*☆

I'll be going to camp soon and I'll miss one update. I'll be missing the one on Monday a week from now and I'll instead be putting it up on Tuesday. In other news I'm writing a song about Jungkook and it's going well

I love you guys, thanks for reading!!


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