Chapter 1: A Deal

Start from the beginning

"A what Alex? Who did you make a deal with!"

"A demon."

I... I could not have heard that right. Right?

"Do you mean someone like a-"

"No I mean an actual demon," he retorted a serious look upon his features.


"Like I said I thought it was a joke." He chuckled a little " a friend suggested it so I tried it"

"How?" I questioned.

"Just some stuff in a box, black cat bone, grave yard dirt, and a picture of yourself, and then you put it in the middle of a crossroad, kind like that one show you used to watch natural something..."

"Supernatural?" A show that stopped running about 10 years ago.

"Ya that one... like I said I thought it wouldn't work, but then..." he looked down " it did. It looked human but it's eyes were red and it's voice was. Horrifying!" He look up at me pleading for me to believe him.

"Okay." I din't know what else to say.

"I was surprised at first," he continued. "It asked me what I want, and I told it that I want to get into the college and a job of my choice, and it replied." He stopped for a moment a hard look upon his face. " It said 'usually I could only have one, but because it hasn't made a deal in so long sure'..."

"What did it want?"

"My soul. It would collect my soul in 10 years."

"When's the due date" I asked, yet I already knew the answer.

" Tonight... midnight."

We were quite for a long while. He then stood up, and gave me a sorrowful smile.

"I just... wanted to say good bye"

He started to leave.

"Wait!" I injected " what about your wife, and the baby? You have so much to live for. Isn't there another way?"I pleaded.

" no theirs not. I'm... I'm sorry,"he then left leaving me dumbfounded, and alone.

I thought over everything he said. How my little brother was just going to die. How he had a family, a good job, and many people that would miss him. If only I... wait. There might be a way. I thought back to that show "Supernatural" I sorta remember one, or maybe both of the brothers making deals with demons in exchange for someone's life. I knew what I had to do.

It took me awhile. Dirt crossroads are quite hard to find nowadays. But there I was standing in the center with a box. I knelt down did in a hole, then placing and covering  the box. I prayed to God it worked.

"Well this is interesting" I turned around startled by the voice, it was deep and gravely hardly human. There stood a man average in a  flannel shirt and work men jeans.

"It's rare to be summoned twice in a century alone, now what can I do for you young lady?"

"I... tonight there's someone named Alex Scott his soul is-."

"Is about to be collected yes, yes I know I was the one who mad the deal with him."

"Then I want... for him able to keep his soul." The demon look at me questionably.

"Oh do you now? what are you his lover, or wait! Yes you do share a resemblance to him yes a sister perhaps?"

I nodded.

"Oh wonderful this just got more intriguing, I'm sorry though I need a soul by tonight or my boss will have me flayed; literally."

"I...I know that's why I am willing to exchange mine for his. Right here right now."

"Oh that is interesting, yet what do I get a... no offense an ordinary soul instead of a successfully smart businessman?" He countered.

"Well there's got to be something I..."

"Well now that I think of it. I would be ahead of schedule, yet mmm. Oh I know what, how about a wager?" He grinned.

"Wager? What kind of wager?"

"Well you see when someone goes to hell there tortured till their soul breaks and they become a demon, many people don't last a year in hell so how about this. As long a you don't turn or give up your brother keeps his soul, but the moment you break his soul goes to hell"

I thought it over. I thought about what I had to live for? A cat? My job? Yet for once in my life I din't feel the emptiness. I felt right.

"Okay." He grinned "but... my brother keeps his job, and no one he cares about is harmed"

He thought for awhile "excluding you of course cause you know hell."


He smiled "excellent. Let's seal the deal with a shake." He held his hand. I looked down, saying one last prayer to God before taking his hand and giving a firm shake.

"Well now..." he said putting his arm over my shoulders. " I still don't know your name. There is so many tortured souls in hell, going to need a name to label your cell"

"Call me... Rose"

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