"get in?" eunbi asked, shocked.

yerin was supposed to be mad at her. to be cold and just ignore her existence at all (she read too many fan fictions.). why was she acting so nice? what is happening?

"yes, get in the car. if you don't understand korean, get inside the car, open the door and sit there." yerin said, sounding annoyed. eunbi nodded, surprised at yerin's perfect english and sat obediently at the leather seat.

wow. i feel rich.

"sorry for sounding harsh earlier." the taller said, seating beside her and closing the door. she started the engine and the car moved smoothly.

eunbi nibbled her lip nervously and answered, "it's okay. i was being stupid. i should've gone in when you asked me to."

yerin didn't answer and the two were left in an uncomfortable silence. both the girl hesitating on who would speak first.

after a while, the younger broke the awkward moment after getting tired and tense about the situation.

"why are you out this weekend? isn't it supposed to be your break?" eunbi asked quietly, looking anywhere but the girl beside her.

"well, i'm looking for a wedding gift for sojung and eunha's birthday. it's next month and i still haven't got anything." yerin looked at her, the younger looked at the older and turned red at the attention. "since you're here with me, why don't you help me find one?" she finished and smiled.

"don't look at me like that!" eunbi blurted out, flustered. "focus on driving! what if we got into an accident?"

"adorable." the taller mumbled, looking away from eunbi and smiling slightly.

"what? what did you say?" eunbi asked, after seeing yerin's lip move.

"nothing. are you gonna help me or not? you're going to the same mall right?"

the girl sighed and nodded. "hmm. i have to buy a few things for my friend, eunhye." after hearing a new name, yerin suddenly pressed the brakes and this resulted to both of them almost jumping out their seats.

"what the fuck?!" eunbi cursed and yerin looked at her apologetically (and she was surprised as well, her ex-girlfriend didn't curse so openly like this four years ago.). the cars behind honked loudly and shouted curses at them. "what happened?"

"nothing, nothing. i just pressed the brake accidentally." yerin reasoned and drove quickly, scolding herself mentally. "by the way, who's eunhye?" she asked casually.

"eunhye's my friend in the. . . us. she's basically my sister, she wanted me to buy her a lot of stuff so." eunbi answered, looking at her phone and scrolling at the list her friend sent for her to buy.

"ah." yerin breathed, relieved.

why did you have to get jealous like that you idiot.

"why?" eunbi asked.

"just curious." yerin avoided and smiled once again.

the younger silently wondered if the older's mouth didn't hurt from smiling too much.

but yerin's smile is so beautiful and she just wants to see it a million of times.


both the girls went in the mall, eunbi hovering awkwardly next to yerin that's getting a lot of curious looks.

"you know, i think you'll gain more attention with that kind of outfit you're wearing." the younger of the two said.

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