Parth and I made eye-contact after very long. He seemed pained as he gazed into my eyes. I was having a tough time trying to manage my racing heartbeat and shaky limbs. I engaged myself by playing with my feet, moving one of them like how a wiper moved on a car windshield, to hide my nervousness.

"Okay okay, team, positions!" We reshot the scene, and I made sure I didn't smack Parth's face during the retake. After that scene, a few Fab 5 sequences were to be shot, which gave me some time alone to review my actions around Parth. The awkwardness between us was growing multifold, and Manik and Nandini weren't even together yet. I didn't think we could work out for long.



I touched my cheek in my vanity, to feel the blaze. Niti bumped into my jaw by mistake during one of the scenes and ever since, I haven't been able to think straight. That little nudge was more or less needed, to bring me back to my senses. A small portion of my cheek could still feel how hot her hand felt against my cheek.

I was standing in front of the mirror and staring at my own self, in the excuse of getting my outfit changed. What was Niti doing to me? I should control. I could hear her laughter ringing through my ears, bringing a subtle smile on my face. I pulled my shirt off as I heard the vanity door open and close. Our vanities didn't really have locks so unless it was Charlie, everyone knocks on my door. Ideally speaking, she should be too, but best friends are shameless! "So how was the match yesterday?" She took a seat on the two-seater couch, pulling out a shirt from the cloth-stand, for me to wear. Also, not everyone had a vanity yet so some of us shared the spaces.

"Tie ho gaya tha, fucking hell!" I threw the shirt I had worn on the floor in annoyance. Honestly, Lukaku could do better than that! Like I said, Charlie was one of my closest and oldest friends on sets. We used to watch cricket together in our vanities during BFF days, as Indians, cricket runs in the blood; but now my preferences in sports have changed considerably.

"Acchha waise... tere aur Niti ke beech kuch hai?" My eyebrows did a little strange dance at the sound of it. I felt like they were enough to prove me wrong anyways. I had to sound stern.

"WHAT? Me and who? That chotu? NO!" I twitched and made ugly faces, trying to convince myself. I didn't know what it was between us, but she and I couldn't ever be on normal terms. There is just so much tension. Charlie was all the more suspicious after my denial.

"Chill, haan? I was just asking casually. You guys would look cute though." She winked at me. I was taken aback. No, I have a girlfriend.

I noticeably rolled my eyes at her and wore my shirt. I adjusted my hair, brushing it to the side. I had to shoot a scene with Niti, the friendship day scene. The scene went on smoothly as we spoke only to give each other inputs. Nothing beyond work, yes let's just be professional!


It was lunch break. Generally, we never hung out as a group but that day, for the ease of the channel team, we all remained in the same room. Ayaz and Utkarsh were arm in arm, in a brotherly fashion. "Kya laayi ho aaj?" I opened my lunch to find dry potato curry and some theplas. Theplas were a Gujarati specific dish and Chandni was one reason why Mumbai felt homely to me.

"Arre wah! Aaloo!" Ayaz dug into the food. Through the corner of my eyes, I could see Parth eager, but he just rolled his eyes with pressed lips, to hide his desire. Maybe I wasn't the only person playing 'control your feelings'. Utkarsh and Veebha chuckled as they ate their lunches. Charlie ate a piece too, and complimented the food.

"Parth khaate hi pagal ho jaayega!" She nudged him. He peered into me, reconsidering food over his ego. That moment became awkward again, as Charlie blatantly studied Parth and then me. God knew what ideas she got.

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