Dare or Double Dare?

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You watch the bottle spin wildly against the floor. You've been at this party for way too long already, and yet your friend shows no sign of leaving.

"Tiara, can we go now? I have an 8 am and It's already almost midnight," you plead to your best friend, who rolls a blunt and raises an eyebrow to you.

"Kaya, don't be a stick in the ass, please? There are alot of hot guys here and I want to dare one of them to strip for me,"

You sigh. College parties are everything you dreamed of and yet nothing you wanted. The couple next to you won't stop sucking on each other's necks and you twitch uncomfortably. Finally, the bottle stops spinning, and it lands on a tall, handsome man with tribal tattoos and a black wife beater who has his arm against his knee and his eye on you.

"Oooh, it landed on L!" One of the partygoers chant. They crowd around the circle, tempted by who and what he will choose. You try to evade him, and just in time you get a text from your boyfriend.

From: Evan
Hey babe, are you in bed?
To: Evan
I WISH. Tiara has me at this weird party and I have to be up for class soon, but she won't take me home!

You sigh, as it looks like Evan has had his texting limit for the night. He doesn't reply for two minutes, then five. The stranger smirks lightly at you before letting his head fall and stare at the floor. Tiara pushes your shoulder so hard her long nails almost cut you.

"Fuck, Ti?!"

"He's looking at you! I think he's going to pick you!" She squeals, pulling her phone out to snap the drama unfold. You gulp.

"Dare or Double Dare?" He asks you. You can't say he isn't otherwise. You feel his eyes searching your soul, watching for your next move like a predator watching for prey. You bite your lip and he smirks as the whole party turns their attention to you.

"...D-Da-" before you can speak, Tiara opens her mouth for you and squeals with excitement.

"Double Dare!" Everyone claps, and you choke to rebuttal. It's hopeless anyway, either way, you're at the mercy of this beautiful man who doesn't even look like he belongs in college.

He holds out his hand across the circle at you, "I double dare you to come upstairs with me," what sounds like thousands of ooh's and ahh's parade your ears and your cheeks flush redder than they ever could have. You swallow your thoughts and shakily take his hand.

Oh my god what is Evan going to say?!

As he leads you upstairs, you catch one last glimpse of the party, where everyone now silently smiles at you and watches you go up the stairs before mumbling to themselves.

He opens the door, revealing a beautifully candlelit room with lace trimmings in red, black and purple hues. The bed looks fit for a whole orphanage. For a brief moment, you completely forget what you're doing in the room and gasp. It is when he turns and towers over you that you snap back into reality.

"O-okay.." you sputter, "I came upstairs with you... turn over," he chuckles, his smile so white it outshines the glow of the candles. He pulls you inside the room and the door closes behind you without him even glancing at it. Your mind races. Is he working with someone else in here?

"There was more to my dare," he starts. You can't help but string along to every word he lets out, but your body tingles with nervousness and adrenaline.

"I'm not having sex with you!" You jerk his hand away and back up against the door. "I have a very loyal boyfriend!"

Sitting on the bed, he laughs again and looks up at you, the curls in his hair bounding along with every moment he makes, "I know,"

"Y-you know?"

"I've seen you around before," he smiles again. Confused, you search for cameras. You can almost bet your life on never seeing someone looking this damn good.

"The rest of my dare is simple," he smiles. You bite your lip and wait for him to continue. "I dare you to make a bet with me,"

"A bet...?"

"Yes," he stands and walks slowly to you before taking your hand in his and putting a finger to your chin. "A bet. A bet that if you and your "loyal lover" break up by the end of the semester..."

His eyes look different. They're dilating, and changing pigments. As you watch, they fade from crystal blue, to a shining gray, to blood red.

"You're mine."

Lucifer (Vol. 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon