Ezra's Plan

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      Ezra stood on the balcony of the old abandoned communications tower. His eyes were closed, and his brow was furrowed with concentration. His right hand was outstretched towards Lothal City. Behind him, Sabine, Zeb, and Chopper eagerly watched Ezra, waiting for a sign.

     "I'll die before I tell you anything!"

     "Oh I believe you will, General..."

     Voices filled Ezra's head as he reached out with the Force. The voices of Thrawn, Pryce... and yes, finally, Hera. So at least they knew she was alive. For now.

     "Anything?" a gruff voice behind him asked. There was the vague sound of flesh against flesh, a violent "shhhhhh!", then silence.

     Ezra deepened his connection with the Force, expanding past the voices. He felt Thrawn's calm assurance, Pryce's demonic glee, and Hera... she was in pain. So much pain. Unbearable pain...

     Ezra backed away from the connection. In his mind's eye, he could see the room on which his thoughts dwelled. It was an exterior office in the Dome. Somehow, he knew the office belonged to Governor Pryce.

     "I know where she is," Ezra said, emerging from his trance.  "She's in the dome. In Governor Pryce's office." His voice was hard.

     "The administrative offices would be on the 157th level. D-Block," Sabine said, moving to stand next to Ezra.

     "Okay," Zeb began, "so how do we get past all the patrols, gun turrets, and watchtowers? It's not like we can just fly in... "

     Ezra looked back at the city. There had to be some way of getting in...  Flying in was the only feasible way; he knew they wouldn't get far on foot without being spotted. But the Empire would be able to detect any ship that they had. Unless... Struck by a sudden inspiration, Ezra picked up his macrobinoculars and looked at the south entrance of the city. There they were, just like he knew they would be. Loth-bats.

     "That's exactly what we'll do," Ezra replied to Zeb. "On gliders."

     Zeb groaned. "I wasn't trying to give you an idea..."

     "No, Ezra's right!" Sabine exclaimed. "The Empire's equipped to counter sophisticated weaponry and targets. They won't be looking for something  low-tech like a simple glider. "

    "Mph, I don't know..." Zeb questioned. "If we get spotted we're at a pretty big disadvantage..."

     "No," Ezra said, grinning as his plan started to come together. "We'll just look like loth-bats!"

     Chopper grumbled skeptically.

     "Look towards the south entrance. Where the garbage chute is," Ezra said, handing the macrobinoculars to Zeb.  "I bet we can glide right past them and never be noticed.  "

     "Alright," Zeb consented, after seeing the giant leathery creatures through the macrobinoculars. "Where do we get these... gliders?"

     "Easy," replied Sabine, smiling slightly. "We make them."

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