Chapter Nine

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I felt a slap on my face.

"Ya! Sleepy heads, wake up!" a voice yelled.

I woke up and noticed I was laying on Hae Won's head. She was still asleep.

I sat up and shook Hae Won, "W-Wake up, we're here." I said while yawning and stretching. I rubbed my eyes and took off my seatbelt.

Hae Won was still asleep, so I unbuckled her seatbelt and tried to wake her up once more. Her eyes widened. "Come on, we're here now." I said, gesturing. She stepped out of the car and we both ended up stretching.

"Ah, my neck hurts so bad. I can't even turn my head." I announced, rubbing my neck. I think I got stiff neck from when I was sleeping on top of Hae Won's head. Ouch.

We all went inside of the house. 

"I haven't been here in so long!" Hae Won said, admiring the place.

"Ya! I remember this house! We used to hang out so much on weekends here, haha." Jimin said.

We all smiled and brought our stuff into Hae Won's old room. It was pretty small. Her bed was a queen bed which took up most space in the room. Hae Won's mother brought in blankets and pillows for us to use. It looks like Jimin and I are sleeping on the floor! Good luck to my back tonight...

Hae Won flopped herself onto the bed, closing her eyes wanting to sleep again.

"Hae Won! Come on, you just took a nap in the car. Wake up!" I said, shaking her shoulder.

"No..." she groaned.


I heard talking in the background. It was Jimin's voice. 

"Who are you talking to?" I asked.

"It's Soo Yun! She wanted to see if we made it safe." he said smiling brightly as he showed us his phone. They were FaceTiming, and I saw Soo Yun wave at me. 

"Hi, Soo Yun!" I said and waved. I went closer to Jimin's phone and joined the conversation. I saw Areum with her in the apartment, "Isn't that Areum? Hae Won's dog?"

"Yeah! She told me to take care of her when you guys left." she informed, showing Areum to the camera.

"Areum?" Hae Won woke up and ran to Jimin's phone, "Areum! I miss you, baby girl! See you soon!" she said sending kisses to the camera.

I noticed that Hae Won was physically close to me. I decided to rest my chin on Hae Won's shoulder, facing the camera so Soo Yun could see me.

"Ya! Get off!" Hae Won yelled. She jerked her shoulder and my head fell off. She glared at me and I glared back.

Jimin and Soo Yun laughed, watching us. 

"Alright, say bye, guys! Soo Yun and I are just gonna talk for a bit more. Alone." Jimin said, kicking us out of the conversation.

"Whatever, hyung. Bye, Soo Yun!" I said and waved.

"Bye, Soo Yun and Areum!" Hae Won said with a smile.

Jimin took his phone to the corner and put headphones on. He sat against the wall, hugging a pillow and facing the camera to him.

He likes her. Obviously.

I sat on top of Hae Won's bed and she followed.

"Do you think he likes her?" Hae Won whispered and pointed discreetly.

"Obviously! Look at him. He's smiling and looking at her so dearly." I whispered back.

"How about Soo Yun? Does she like him back?" 

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