Chapter Three

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Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin, huh? Why did they end up living next to me? It's so weird how we've crossed paths once again.

Honestly, I thought we wouldn't have met again after senior year.

I wonder when I'm gonna ever "coincidentally" see them again... I hope not because it would be a bit awkward.

Do they even remember me? I think both of them had tiny crushes on me. 


But I did call Jungkook "good-looking" in the convenience store.


He did really have a glo-up though, haha!

Well, I'm overthinking this. I'm just going to sleep on it.

{Jungkook POV}

In the morning, Jimin and I went to take to bus to the furniture store. We still needed to furnish our apartment with some more necessities.

We were lucky and found a pair of seats that weren't occupied on the bus. Jimin and I quickly went to go sit in them.

A few moments later, Ji Hae Won popped up in my mind. She was really nice, although we only talked for just a bit.

For some reason, her name sounded so... familiar. I had to ask Jimin about it.

"Jimin?" I asked.


"Ji Hae Won. Do you think we know her already? Her name sounds familiar."

"I don't think so? I've never heard of it."

"Hm. Alright." I said, "Ah, hyung! Here's our stop!"

We got off the bus and arrived at the furniture shop. We didn't have much furniture when we moved in, since it was our first time being roommates together. 

It was only a one bedroom apartment with one bathroom, so we didn't need to buy much. It's also a pretty small apartment, because that's what we could afford so far, so we had to be mindful of what to get so that we don't overcrowd it.

We looked around just for a while before we looked at any beds. It was so tempting to buy this and that because it all looked so nice to have in the apartment!

There were many decorations that I thought would look good to put up in the apartment, but we just had to focus on buying the things we really need first, then buy decorations later on.

"Ah! The bed section! Look around for anything that is cheap for now." Jimin implied.

"Should we get a bunkbed so we have more space?"

"Oh, yeah. We should, huh?"

I looked around for any bunkbeds that were sturdy enough for Jimin and I.

I saw a tiny princess bed for girls. It was super pink and sparkly.

"Jimin! Look, it's a bed that's perfect for you!" I said as I pointed to the bed while laughing.

"Shut up, Jungkook, or I'll make you sleep outside tonight!"

We looked around for bunkbeds for about five minutes. I finally found one that would be able to fit the both of us. 

But the bad thing was that it was... PINK. It even had hearts on it!

"Hyung! Come here!" I asked, "Should we get this one? It's literally the only one here."

"Ya! It's pink, though! IT HAS HEARTS, TOO!"

"Pink is just a color, hyung, and a heart is just a shape. Would you rather get this or sleep on the floor for an extra two months? They said they're restocking on other bunkbeds in two months, hyung!"

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