Final boss. (Part 5)

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Kyuseishu braced himself by parting his legs slightly, and almost unnoticeably lowered himself to the ground by a small amount.

Korra, Bolin, Meelo, Ikki, and Tenzin all watched in half awe and half fear as Naruto's four-tails form fired a tailed beast bomb at Kyuseishu.

"What even is that?!" Bolin questioned loudly.

Kyuseishu stood his ground as the tailed beast bomb drew closer at astonishing speed.

'Now I definitely must waste no time.' Kyuseishu thought as he prepared himself. 'If things continue this way, it could end up being dangerous for me.'

Four-tails Naruto just stood and observed how the gulfskin would react.

And as the bomb finally reached him, Korra and the others all thought for sure that this was the move to end the battle.

But, they were wrong.

Instead, the tailed beast bomb seemed to temporarily stop as it reached Kyuseishu.

Naruto shifted as his four-tails' eyes narrowed at the scene before him.

Kyuseishu... had caught the bomb, and was slowly changing its direction to face at the rest of them.

You could hear his chuckle from far away. "Let's see how your friends like it."

And he shot it at them.

Korra's eyes went wide as she processed what was about to happen to them. They had no time to dodge, or even block it. This... this was just too fast and too powerful to survive when put on the spot.

Fortunately, Naruto's conscious was still inside ninetails' outer shell.

He dashed; rushing faster than the bomb in an attempt to save their lives.

He just managed to get his clutches on the tailed beast bomb. He pushed it desperately as the momentum from his body also aided in changing the bomb's direction once more.

The bomb suddenly shot off to Korra's left as it hit nearby forestry, and exploded with an enormous force.

And now four-tails Naruto stood in front of them; facing them as his horrifying appearance would've given any child nightmares.

Bolin stared straight at Naruto. "Is that... is that you Naruto?"

Naruto looked at Bolin, and Bolin suddenly got a shiver down his spine.

But they were interrupted by Kyuseishu suddenly landing on Naruto's back.

Naruto growled and roared as he stumbled around to try and get the thing off of him. But Kyuseishu held tightly, and was much larger and heavier.

Korra stood up, and the rest did the same, except Jinora and Tenzin.

Kyuseishu wiggled his fingers. "I'm going to take what I want from you!" He slapped his hands onto the side of Naruto's head, and a large red glow began to emanate from the contact.

Korra and the rest did not know what to do in this moment.

So they just watched in silent fear as Kyuseishu began absorbing Naruto's ninetails chakra into himself.

"Oh yes... The power, the pure hatred of this energy is flowing into me!" Kyuseishu stated as he then cackled wildly. "I love this deep power you have inside you! But, I've only experienced a small taste. How about I take it all?!"

-In the mindscape-

"Naruto, I'm going to separate the rest of my chakra from you before he takes it." Ninetails told Naruto. "I don't want to be stuck inside of that for the rest of his miserable life."

Naruto nodded. "Do whatever you gotta do!"

The ninetails smirked. "You seem a lot more trusting of me. I could just consume your body."

Naruto chuckled. "That won't happen, cause then your chakra will be all inside that guy! And you have to admit: you looove me!"

Ninetails growled. "Don't you ever say those words again! Just shut up and prepare to take your wretched body back!"

-In the real world-

Kyuseishu laughed wickedly as he kept absorbing more and more of ninetails' chakra.

"This is great! I'll be able to destroy this entire world with the power you're giving me!"

But just then, his gleeful expression turned into one of confusion, and then anger.

"What do you think you're doing?!" He exclaimed loudly. "Trying to break my hold on you?! How dare you!"

But, the gulfskin was powerless to stop the inevitable shattering of the bond.

Kyuseishu fell off of now-regular Naruto's back.

Naruto put his hand on his forehead. "Oh wow..." He then looked at the boss spirit on the ground next to him. "You jerk! This is my chakra!"

Naruto kicked his side; which did almost nothing to harm Kyuseishu.

"I'll pay you back for what you took! Get ready! Cause Naruto Uzumaki, the frog sage hero of the leaf is coming to get ya!"

(Ok, I'm putting this note here, to inform you of this: it is possible, that there will only be approximately 3-5 more chapters after this one till the end of the book. So, prepare yourselves; cause I feel like making this last fight scene count!

And another thing: THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR TEN THOUSAND VIEWS! Holy cow guys! I never even imagined that this or any of my stories would get so far, but we did! And it's all thanks to you! Thank you so much for reading my story! I hope that the rest of this, and upcoming stories will help to make your day.

And again, thank you very, very much!)

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