Meet the airbenders.

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Naruto walked through the large yellow-green portal to find himself being stared at by many faces; some old, some young.

Naruto smiled awkwardly. "Uh, do you know if this is out, or farther in?"

One of the benders ran over flew over to him. Naruto backed away slightly when he saw her fly.

She landed right next to him; and was intimidating nonetheless even though he was two heads taller than her.

"Who are you?" The girl asked. She looked at the taller, older man. "Who is this daddy?"

A boy stepped up. "Is he some sort of spirit or dead person?"

Naruto stopped and lost his awkward grin. He then looked at himself again. "I'm dead? How could I have died?! Did Pein kill me? Did I die in my sleep? Someone tell me!"

The others were sort of taken aback with Naruto's outburst of fear. But then they all slowly turned to laughter.

Naruto surveyed the group. "Are you some sort of specialized Anbu Shinobi?"

They all stopped and pondered this. "A what now?" Another old guy asked.

"Anbu Blacks Ops." Naruto told them. "You know, special people, that either work for the Hokage or for the organization." Naruto crossed his arms and smiled. "See? I'm not that clueless."

He had his sleeve tugged on. Naruto looked down. It was the girl. "Are you not from around here?" She asked.

"How'd ya know?" Naruto asked her.

"Because you are speakin gibberish, that's why." The old guy said.

"Now, now. I am sure there is some sort of explanation." The other old guy said. He walked over to Naruto and inspected him. "Are you a human, or a spirit?"

"I think  I'm human, unless Pein actually killed me. Then the village would be in trouble! Quickly someone jump-start my chakra!" Naruto looked around frantically.

They all were again taken aback by Naruto's random outburst of nonsense.

But Tenzin looked at him closer, causing Naruto to lean back in nervousness.

"Chakra?" Tenzin wondered aloud.

"Yeah, chakra." Naruto reported. "You know, the life energy of every living thing. Everyone knows what chakra is. You learn it at the academy, ya know?"

Tenzin backed up. He had no idea what on earth this boy was talking about. He must've been exposed to the infectious gases of the spirit plant, Monshoom.

"I think this boy's been poisoned!" Tenzin shouted. Naruto got a look of horror on his face.

"We must get him to the air temple, quickly!"

All the airbenders responded, for the first time. They all went and got their stuff ready to go. One of them brought a bison over.

Naruto backed away from it. "What is that?" He asked, pointing at it.

"An air bison." Tenzin responded. "Oh no. He must be really severely poisoned. We must hurry and give him the antidote before he goes insane!"

Naruto then began to go crazy despite it. He looked around, rethinking life choices; like whether or not ramen was still good or not. He began to think of himself as crazy when he started thinking that. Ichiraku Ramen is the best food ever! How could he doubt that?

One of the airbenders lifted Naruto onto the bison, with air.

"Woah!" Naruto shouted when he was lifted. He landed on the bison's saddle and looked over and asked, "What jutsu is that? You didn't even make hand signs."

Tenzin looked about, ignoring the question. "Where is Ikki?"

Everyone stopped and looked about. But Ikki could not be seen. That's when they heard a cry from inside the portal. Everyone immediately faced the portal.

"She's inside!" Someone shouted.

Naruto's protective instinct snapped into action, and he jumped off the bison and ran inside the portal.

"Hey, wait!" A kid yelled; following Naruto into the portal.

"Stop!" Tenzin shouted running after them. "It's dangerous!"

But they ran in anyway.

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