Chapter 9

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Calia rubbed her eyes. Everything was blury. She looked around. She was in a cage. She stood up and noticed she had restraining cuffs on her wrists. She didn't know exactly where she was but she could tell she was on a ship. She knew what it was like after she was traded to the slave master on Endor. She looked closer at the cuffs. There was no apparent sign of a tracking device anywhere but she couldn't take any chances. She reached inside her pocket and grabbed a lock pick she made thanks to the ewoks. She broke the cuffs off and freed herself.

She did the same thing to the outside lock to the cage and jumped out. She started walking around when she saw the cockpit, no one was there. She sat in the seat to direct the ship back to Endor, wherever that was. She looked at the map on the screen and saw they were near Takodana. That was good. Endor is near. She set the coordinates of Endor on the autopliot.

The ship started making a u-turn. Endor was visible. She put her legs on the desk. She was proud of herself. Then she remembered about everyone else. They might be on the ship. She jumped up and searched every room looking for them. She found a secret exit on the base of the floor that led to stairs. She slowly walked down the stairs. Luckily, she had her emergency blaster hidden. She got it out and raised it. She peered around the corner. She grinned. She saw everyone. Her grin disappeared. They were all tied, except Xenore. There was another being. She shot the blaster at the being. She could tell the the being was part of the Sith species. He was also most likely an actual Sith, as in Sith Lord.

The red skinned being turned and put his hand in the air. The blaster shot froze in midair. He slowly walked over to her. Calia was frozen in fright. He pulled his lightsaber out and raised it. She saw from the corner of her eyes Oozma free himself from the ropes, jumped up and used the force to grab Xenore's lightsaber and swung it right at the being. The being turned to block the swing. Calia quickly shot the blaster. It shot right through the being.

The Sith dropped and then patted the wound. It healed up.

"Y'know?" the Sith said. "You can use amazing powers. Powers you wouldn't even believe. All of you can join me and learn these amazing powers...or die."

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2018 ⏰

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