Chapter 4

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Strotogoda raised his electrostaff and swung at the tree. Bark flew off of the giant tree. The Twi'lek bounty hunter raised it again and placed it in his hand. He looked at it. He found the weapon, belonging to an IG-100 MagnaGuard from many years ago. He found it on a crash site of a ship that he managed to snag.

A ship started lowering near Strotogoda. The ship caused wind to blow hard. Strotogoda's orange tentacles with black stripes to fly backwards. The ship landed and the door opened. Out came a yellow Zabrak with black stripe tattoos all over his body, his shirt was off, he had green sleeves, and maroon pants. His Zabrak horns poked out of the sides of his forehead. "Hello Strotogoda," the Zabrak said.

Strotogoda grinned, it was Marsotika, a fellow bounty hunter. Unlike most bounty hunters, these two worked together. "I've been waiting for you," Strotogoda said.

"You've been practicing?"

"Oh yeah."

"Lemme see it."

Strotogoda tossed his electrostaff to Marsotika. Marsotika caught it and looked at it, moving his hands across the handle. "You've put improvements on here I see."

"Yeah, pretty cool huh?"

Marsotika nodded.

"So, what's the big mission?"

"Well, this one's from the Emperor. There's apparently a Jedi on this moon according to some of his spies. We have to catch him."

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