Chapter 8

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Marsotika slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were too droopy and suddenly closed. He opened them again and blinked quickly. He tried to rub his eyes but he couldn't, his arms were tied down. He looked around. It was dark but he could make out who was with him. He saw Strotogoda, that was good. He kept looking. He saw Xenore and Oozma but not the girl. He tried to stand. That didn't work. He seemed to be tied to a pole of some sort. His hands were tied down too.

He heard footsteps. They were coming near them. Lights flickered on. There, stood a being, a Sith species. He had red skin with the Sith horns coming out of his chin. His golden eyes glimmered. He had two scars going across his right eye. He wore a sleeveless vest with an undershirt. On his arms were stripes, just like Strotogoda's.

"You, Jedi," he said at Xenore. "Get up."

 Xenore lifted up the ropes, binding him, above him, freeing himself.

The Sith pulled out a lightsaber, bigger than Xenore's. He ignited it, showing a red blade on each side. Xenore shrugged his shoulders and ignited his green lightsaber.

"Who are you?" Strotogoda asked randomly.

The Sith chuckled. "I'm Tritoan, the Sith Sith."

"What?" Strotogoda asked.

"My race is Sith and I'm a Sith."

Strotogoda nodded his head. "Ah, that makes sense."

Tritoan started talking. "After my parents told me about the Sith Holocaust, I decided I wanted revenge so I became a Sith Lord and sought out any remaining Jedi that survived for revenge." He charged with his beam of light in the air.

Xenore defended and blocked the strike. He quickly kicked the stomach of Tritoan, sending him back. Tritoan toppled over some crates next to an exit.

"Quick question," Strotogoda said. "Where are we?"

Tritoan sneered at Strotogoda. "We are on my ship, the Vengeance Pursuer. Space-wise, we are near Takodana.

Strotogoda nodded. "Cool."

"Now if you excuse us," Tritoan explained. "We are currently in a fight right now."

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