Chapter Thirty-Five

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It didn't matter what happened yesterday in Jessica's eyes, because she acted as if nothing happened. Meredith and Harry were to do the same. The secretary gave the same warning as usual, "Don't make things political." When moving into the Middle East and Africa, only starting in Istanbul today, Meredith had a fine line to walk, skinnier and grayer than before. While where they were going weren't necessarily dangerous, Meredith had to keep her mouth shut in some places, not as some Western princess. All the views she had were to be tossed in bin-- left on the airplane-- stuffed down into her stomach. She wasn't meant to step out of line.

After yesterday's political view from Meredith, completely ignoring what Greece had wanted, Meredith was in trouble. A passive aggressive email had been sent to Meredith from Buckingham Palace, reminding the duchess of the meaning of the world tour.

In all honesty, Meredith had good days and bad days. Sometimes, on the good days, she was the perfect American turned British princess, even though she was a duchess, not a princess. Other days, royal commentators liked to say that Meredith returned to her American roots, which was her downfall. Already people thought she was going to ruin the monarchy. However, people had said that about Catherine as well-- and Diana, Camilla, Sarah Ferguson and the list went on. However, American as she was, people still saw her, like she was red, white and blue all the way through. If Middle Easterns and Africans had problems with the British, it only grew worse when looking at the American in the mix.

"At least that's something the whole world can come together on," Meredith commented, fixing her dress.

"Good behavior, please, your highness," Jessica responded.

Istanbul was the bridge from the West to the East. With a population of over fifteen million people, it was historically the economic and cultural center of Turkey. Tourists from around the world flocked into Istanbul, averaging twelve million tourists a year. Along with a World Heritage Site, it was a cultural and entertainment hub too. The city hosted many of Turkey's companies as well. Most of the population fell under the Sunni branch of Islam.

With the bustling cosmopolitan area, it wasn't necessary for Meredith to wear a scarf to cover her head, as long as they stayed within the more touristy areas. Meredith wore a dress that covered her arms and chest, along with a jacket, and the dress dipped below her knees as well. She wore shoes that showed barely showed her feet. When the royal couple stepped out onto the streets of Istanbul, Meredith was covered a lot compared to some of the other women. She didn't complain as it rained that day with a breeze coming off the Mediterranean Sea.

The first stop was at the Sultan Ahmed Mosque, also known as Sultan Ahmet Camii. Popularly known at Blue Mosque for its hand-painted tiles on the interior. At night, the mosque was bathed in blue light to show off its five main domes, six minarets and eight secondary domes. Before Meredith walked in, she put on a scarf, covering most of her hair. Most of her skin was covered at this point.

The Sunni Islam mosque was finished in sixteen-sixteen under the rule of Ahmed I, the tourist guide explained as they walked through. At the front, the duke and duchess had greeted the imam khatib, or the head of the mosque. The imam khatib walked with them for a short time before excusing himself to other matters. On the lower levels and every pier had twenty-thousand handmade iznik style tiles that ranged in fifty different designs. More than two-hundred stained glass windows of different designs let in natural light, and nowadays chandeliers hung from the ceiling. The tour guide showed the mihrab, arguably one of the most important parts of a mosque, which indicated the direction of Mecca.

The Duke and Duchess of Windsor thanked the members of the Sultan Ahmed Mosque and went back outside. Photographers followed them around. If Meredith wasn't royal, for their next stop, she was able to walk right over. It was only five-hundred meters, a seven minute walk, but because she was royal, it was a three minute drive.

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