Start from the beginning

  "I don't know that! H-how would I know that?" I yelled, my voice shaking.

  "Because you're the clever one, aren't you? Because deception has a very particular scent, Stiles," he sneered. "Now tell the truth...or I will rip her apart."

  I think it was safe to say I was on the verge of a panic attack. My heartbeat was accelerating and I could feel the familiar tightening in my lungs. I looked down at Carson, her chest barely rising and falling. It was a subtle movement, only noticeable if you were squinting.

  I looked back up at Peter, no doubt fear shinning in my eyes. "L-look, I don't okay? I-I swear to God, I don't know."

  He glared. "Tell me!" he screamed with a sense of superiority and ferocity in his tone.

  I clutched at the grass as his voice echoed loudly throughout the field. Everything I had decided to keep from Scott and Carson at this point was all bubbling to the surface, ready to explode. "Okay, okay! I...I think he k-knew."

  "Who?" he asked, narrowing his eyes, almost daring me to give him false information.

  "D-Derek. I, I think he knew he was going to be caught."

  Peter furrowed his brow. "The Argents..." he murmured. "And?"

  "When he was s-shot, I...I-I think he took Scott's phone," I revealed.

  Ever since Scott had told us that his phone went missing during the fight with Derek where the Argents had shown up, nothing seemed to add up. His phone was most likely in his pocket, how the hell could he lose it? But Scott also said that the Argents had hit the house with some kind of flash arrow or something that made bright light. Scott and Jackson had been unable to see when Derek had been taken. Derek could have easily grabbed the phone without Scott noticing.

  Peter however, didn't seem to see the logic. "Why?" he asked, his tone made it seem like he was speaking to a five year old.

  "They all have GPS now. So, if he still has it and if it's still on, you can find him," I replied, my whole body shaking.

  I looked back down at Carson. She wasn't waking up. She looked like she was barely breathing and she was still unconscious. Behind Peter, Lydia wasn't moving and she had probably lost a lot of blood at this point. Oh and now she was on the verge of being a werewolf. Just great.

  "Well then, it looks like you're going to be helping me, Stiles," Peter said nonchalantly. He stood up and gestured for me to as well. "Come on."

  I looked up at him in shock, staying right where I was. "No. No, I'm not going to let you leave them here."

  "You don't have a choice," he said, glaring at me.

  I shook my head. "No, just...just kill me! I don't care anymore."

  And it was true, I didn't. If there was any chance that Carson wasn't going to be okay....I didn't think I could live with myself. I meant what I said when I told her she was the thing that had kept me sane all these years.

  She was the one who had helped me when my mom died. She was the one who became my friend in preschool when I sat by myself. She was the one who had always managed to calm me down on the verge of a panic attack.

  She was the one I had loved all along. I couldn't live without her.

  Peter sighed angrily, pulling me up by my chin. He forced me to my feet, looking me in the eye. "Call your friend. Tell Jackson where Lydia is. That's all you get."

  I looked at him like he was crazy. "What about Carson?"

  "I'd say Lydia is in worse shape than your little girlfriend, wouldn't you?"

Both of Us ▸ Stiles Stilinski (1)Where stories live. Discover now