Mission: Death Letters

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It was 7:30 am, Tris woke up feeling as fresh as a flower that is washed in the recent heavy spells of rain. She was all agog to find out about the death letters. She wore her favourite jumpsuit which had pink polka dots with a black colour background. 

She sat with the letters and a notebook that she had got along with her from home. She tried to evaluat and calculate which would help her know who was the person who sent the letter. 

Suddenly, her eyes fell upon the corner of the envelope in which the letters were there, there was something written on it:



After a lot of calculations, she thought that Lord Voldemort was the name that was making sense. 

Realisation dawned upon her that the person talking about Divergents has to be the student who was a Divergent fifty years ago whose name no one can take, his name is Lord Voldemort and he wants to kill Tris to be the one and only Divergent. 

She rushed down to the Great Hall to tell the Gryffindors. No one could believe it but they had to believe it but they had to believe it because this was the truth . They even admired Tris' intelligence. 

Annabeth asked, " So what do we do next?"

"We will not do anything, we will wait for Voldemort's next move. He will surely be frustrated and attack the castle, then the war begins!"

"Ok! Cool! You are so intelligent Tris! Well Done!

Tris was the happiest person at the moment because she is going to contribute in eliminating an evil person from the world.

She went to her dormitory to read 'An Imperial Affliction' without moving a muscle until dinner time.

She hoped down to the Great Hall to sight her favourite cuisine, 'Italiano Tangy Sauced Pasta'. She wolfed down the pasta in huge amounts and went back to her dormitory to have a very good sleep. 

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