In Conversation with Linnea

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Standing right in front of the door whose owner has all the answers to Tris being a Divergent. The door was brown in colour with intricate designs on its borders. At the centre of the door, there was a big name plate with Ms. Linnea and below that was written Department of Divergency in curly handwriting.

As soon as Linnea pushed the door open, Tris was at a loss of words after seeing the remarkable interior designing of the office. All the designs were totally apt for an office.

"Please have a seat Tris" said Linnea. Tris seated herself in a chair wadded with its soft cushiony material. 

"Thank you" said Tris.

"Tris, you do not have to introduce yourself to me, I know all about you. Do not worry at all that you are a Divergent." encouraged Linnea.

"I really need that piece of advice" said Tris in a tone that indicated utter sarcasm because how can she not worry when she is a Divergent. 

"Hogwarts has not had a Divergent since the past fifty years and you are the one who has broken the record. There was a student fifty years ago who has a Divergent whose name was---" Linnea paused in the middle.

"What!? What was his name?" questioned Tris with a tone of severity in her voice. "We do not say his name, it is a big crime to say his name." said Linnea. 

Tris was discombobulated after she heard this coming out from Linnea's mouth. She coaxed Linnea to write or tell his name like a multitudinous times but she refused to do so. 

"I will be teaching you all your subjects here at Hogwarts. So this is your timetable. Go through it thoroughly." Saying this Linnea handed Tris her timetable.



1st- Charms

2nd- Potions

3rd- Ancient Runes

4th- Defence Against The Dark Arts

5th- Muggle Studies

6th- Divination

7th- Arithmancy


1st- Divination

2nd- Charms

3rd- Herbology

4th- Defence Against The Dark Arts 

5th- Muggle Studies

6th- Arithmancy 

7th- Potions


1st- Potions

2nd- Charms

3rd- Divination

4th- History Of Magic

5th- Arithmancy

6th- Transfiguration

7th- Defence Against The Dark Arts


1st- Charms

2nd- Divination

3rd- Potions

4th- Muggle Studies

5th-Defence Against The Dark Arts

6th- Astronomy

7th- Arithmancy


1st- Muggle Studies 

2nd- Care Of Magical Creatures

3rd- Defence Against The Dark Arts

4th- Divination

5th- Ancient Runes

6th- Herbology

7th- Potions


-Saturday and Sunday will be a holiday.

-You can ask any doubts in any subject on Saturday and Sunday.


1) Monday: 8:00 to 4:00 

2) Tuesday: 7:00 to 3:00

3) Wednesday: 9:00 to 5:00

4) Thursday: 8:00 to 4:00

5) Friday: 9:00 to 5:00

-What will you do in each subject?

1) CHARMS- Learn different spells, charms and enchantments

2) POTIONS- Learn to brew different kinds of potions

3) DEFENCE AGAINST THE DARK ARTS- Learn how to tackle dark magic

4) MUGGLE STUDIES- Learn about the lift of Muggles

5) DIVINATION- Learn how to look into the future

6) ARITHMANCY- Learn how to predict the future using numbers

7) ANCIENT RUNES- Learn how to study runic scriptures

8) CARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES- Learn about different kinds of animals and birds

9) HERBOLOGY- Learn about different kinds of plants 

-Bring all your materials for your classes.

"All the instructions are written here. Let me know if you have any doubt. It is too late Tris. Get back to your dormitory." said Linnea.

Tris bade Linnea bye and sprinted up the stairs into her common room. All the Gryffindors were keen on knowing her timetable but she was not keen on showing it to them.

She straight went to bed and dropped her head on the pillow. She could not get sleep because the thought of another student being Divergent fifty years ago and no one could say the student's name haunted her all night. 

Having the advantage of tomorrow being a Sunday, she would go to the library  to check more about Divergents. 

Until then, she shut her eyes tightly and tried to get some sleep. 

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