Hunt In The Library

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The sun rose up shining brightly in the sky and spreading its luminosity everywhere giving Hogwarts a cheerful appearance.

Tris was filled with a unique sense of energy in her that could not be controlled for a long time, it had to come out!! She quickly changed into her most cherished sweatshirt and jeans.

She sprinted down the stairs into the common room where Harry, Shauna and Lidewij were busy segregating their books according to the timetable they had.

"Good Morning Tris!" said Harry. "Oh! Good Morning Harry! Good Morning!" said Tris. "Where are you heading to?" asked Lidweij. "The library, have to do some research work Linnea told me to do." replied Tris feeling a pang of guilt in her heart for lieing to them. 

"Ok. Carry on. We will catch up soon." said Lidewij. Tris bade them adieu and darted out of the common room.

She just hoped that she does not encounter more people in the library.

No sooner did Tris greet some students of the other house than they ran at top speed trying to avoid er. Finally, she reached the library. She could already hear the whispers and the murmurs about her which was really frustrating.

Without wasting much time, she got to work. She checked each and every book of each and every shelf but there was no sign about Divergents. 

She was a girl on the point of crying, she put her best foot forward in holding back her tears but she could not and burst out crying. She was down in the dumps and there was no one to comfort her.

Suddenly, her eyes fell upon a corner where she could see the word 'DIVERGENTS' written on a placard. She had finally found it!! She hastened the speed and went to the shelf. She opened the very first book in front of her eyes 'History of Divergents'.

She turned to the very first page and saw something that no human eye could have dared to witness. The page read thus:


Divergents are those people who pose a threat to the society because they do not fit in one house. A DIVERGENT CAN ONLY KILL A DIVERGENT!!!!!!!!

After reading the page, Tris was shaking in every limb. She kept the book in its rightful place. Realisation dawned upon her that the student who was a Divergent fifty years ago wants to kill her! 

All of sudden, she perceived something that increased the rate of her trembling, she saw a man without a face- no eyes, no nose, no mouth, no teeth, no ears, no hair, it was just pure skin!

She ran out of the library shocking everyone as she passed by! 

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