jokes and fun facts

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I realised I don't put the websites I used before each chapter... Oh well :P

vommefan :D


A kid was crying outside his house,

A passer-by asked: why are you crying?

Kid: My parents are fighting inside the house

Passer-by: Who is your father?

Kid: That's what they are fighting about

A middle-aged married couple filed a divorce and are currently fighting about a child custody in front of the judge. A woman presents all of her arguments to keep the child, including the famous sentences: 'I brought this child to the world. He grew inside me, I took care of him from the beginning...'.

But the man didn't give up, so judge asked him to provide arguments of his own. After a little thought he asked the judge: 'Your honor, if I put a quarter in a vending machine and a can of Pepsi comes out - who is the owner of the can? Me or the machine?'

A very rich grandma wanted to check how much is she loved by her three grandsons.

So, she took a walk with the oldest and faked that she tripped and fell into the river. The grandson immediately jumps after her and pulls her away from the river flow. The very next day he sees a brand new BMW in front of the house with a note attached to the windshield. The note said:

Thank you for saving my life!

Your grandma

The next day she repeated her acting with her second grandson. She fell into the river and her grandson saved her as well. He also got a new BMW the next day with the same note.

Grandma was all excited about her two grandsons - but she still had one more to test. So she went for a walk with her youngest grandson, fell into the river, but the grandson didn't budge. He continued his walk and went back home. The very next day he saw a brand new Mercedes in front of his house with a note:

Thank you for saving me!

Your grandfather

If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.

The strongest muscle in proportion to its size in the human body is the tongue.

Every time you lick a stamp, you're consuming 1/10 of a calorie.

The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt blood 30 feet.

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