In the cage, you either win by killing your opponent or not and loose by being killed or not.

But I swear I didn't intend to kill her! Everyone present in the arena that night knows it! And I was known as the winner by knock out or surrendering from my opponents, until our match last month.

"I didn't kill her..." I hicupped...

"Oh! The blue corner surrendered!" The speaker announced when tornado's coach waved a white garment and when tornado went out of the cage.

"Zyra! Watch out!!!" I heard Lindon screamed and on instinct I turned and saw that 'tornado' is coming back inside the cage, running at me while holding a steel chair over her head. No doubt to strike me on the head. I'm on the other side of the cage so it gives me time to run then slide between her legs. She didn't expect it so she ran over the cage wall hitting her head on the chair. She turned and threw the chair at me and I dodged it successfully because her throw wasn't that strong due to her injuries in our match a while ago and the last hit plus I'm quite far.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I screamed at her whereas the sick people and committee screamed in ecstacy at the adventurous event being held in front of them instead of stopping her. She smirked.

"Killing you!" She pointed at me and laughed evilly but obviously dizzy from the hit.

"But you surrendered! The fight is done! So fucking stop it!" I yelled at her angrily while stepping back at the gate.


I turned and saw that they locked the gate.

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