Friends with Benefits:18

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           I watched as Jelani came out the bathroom with his towel wrapped around his waste. Damn he looked fine as hell.

        We had just finished moving and unpacking my stuff, it's official that I am now in the care of Killa.

"Stop looking so hard if you want the D ask ma." He lightly laughed while pulling on his white wife beater and basketball shorts.

"Oh what ever." I sighed.

His phone started ringing

"Answer it ma." He said brushing his teeth.
"Hello?" I answered.


       His voice sounded familiar, I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"Yeah he's busy but he'll call back."


"Your welcome,Aight bye." I said ending the call.

"Who was it shorty?"  Jelani asked.

"Yo friend, he said sum bout drugs, and boxes."

"Ooh shit. Yeah I'll text him."

I really wanted to press my opinion of him being a drug dealer but I decided to keep it to my self.

"I'm not quitting the game Autumn." He said while on his phone.

"Nigga I didn't say shit to you." I laughed.

"I could tell you were thinking it."

"Look at you just wanting to start something." I rolled my eyes.

"Nah." He laughed. He dialed the number that called and got on the phone.

"Yo wassup Marcus." He said laying in the bed.

I froze and slightly turned my head. Was he talking to who I think he's talking to?

I went into deep thought, Marcus is a basketball player not a drug dealer.

"Aight I'll be there in a min." He said hanging up.

       I stared as he got off the phone. I had a straight up anxiety attack, I needed to shit really bad too.

"Wh-ho was that." I stuttered.

"My homeboy Marcus, Damn withcho jealous ass." He laughed while putting on some slides.

Little did he know ...

"Jealous, where?" I laughed.

"I gotta go ma." He said kissing my lips.

"Aight be safe." I said.

        He closed the door and I was alone. I decided to call Keanna to see what she was up too.

"Hello." She answered on the first ring.

"Heyy keke."

"Hey best friend i been meaning to ask you......why you moving in with Killa again? I thought you were miss independent?"

"Because of safety, and I want my children to grow up with a mommy and daddy, and I am miss independent.."

"Ooh Yeah Because he can protect your ass in the car, huh." She joked.

I never really thought of it like that.

"You make a good point, but there's niggas after him, and bitches after our relationship, I need me and my child to be safe."

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