Chapter 6: Celebratory video

Start from the beginning

My subconscious taunted me, saying that the group probably thought I had fangirl overload and that was why I ran away. God, what they must have thought of me. The images of their confused and slightly concerned faces filled my mind. Nate had reached for my arm but I had just evaded his touch.

A very gentle knock sounded on the door, followed by a gentle voice.

"Abbey? It's Zoe."

The slim girl with the ombre hair, I remembered. I really liked her; she probably thought I was a freak too.

"I'm okay, I just... I don't know. I'm not very good with meeting so many new faces..." I muttered, not even sure she could hear me.

"Not to be intrusive, but can I come in?"

I didn't even think before I unlocked the door and let Zoe in. Her voice sounded so genuine.

"I don't know if you know this about me but I get panic attacks, so I know the feeling of being overwhelmed. I just wanted to see if I could do something for you?"

I couldn't help but smile widely. She was so sweet.

"No. I just really need a breathing pause. You guys seem so welcoming but I don't know any of you and I kind of forgot that you have your cameras out all the time. Freaked me out I guess," I explained. "Thank you so much for coming to talk to me, I think it really helped me calm down."

"No problem. I'm sorry you got overwhelmed. I can ask the guys not to film you. Nate did mention that you weren't very keen to be on camera," she said.

"I'll try to stay out of the shots but if I do get in any of them I would appreciate to be blurred out," I said.

"Of course, I'll let the other guys know," Zoe said.

"Wait, I'm coming out with you. I think I can tell the guys myself. Thanks, though."

Two hours later I was so happy that I had gone. These people were hilarious and the games Nate had planned were so fun to watch. The 6 YouTubers had been divided into teams of two and competed against each other. There were sack races, archery, charades, quizzes and more.

Nate had cameras sat up around the room, practically covering every angle and on top of that everyone was vlogging. Literally all of the YouTubers even both of the twins although their content was going up on the same channel if I had understood them correctly.

They had all been really understanding about my little incident and had all agreed to blur me out of the videos if I got in the shot. I mostly talked to Nate and Zoe but all the other guys made an effort to talk to me.

Caspar was obvious-flirty but I understood that he did have a girlfriend and it was just his personality. Keeping that in mind, I just found it rather funny.

One thing that hit me again was the fact that all of the YouTubers were so extremely attractive. Maybe it was just because they were so confident because confidence is sexy as hell.

Jack and Finn kept playing pranks on me, fooling me thinking they were each other. They even switched shirts when I had finally remembered who was who.

I got some of the most amazing photos, both during the competition and of the in-between moments. The friendship in between the people was so obvious. Just as I snapped a photo of Zoe laughing her head off, I felt someone besides me and turned to find Nate.

"Hi," I said quietly before focusing on Zoe again. Alfie said something fun and she laughed yet again. Alfie's eyes locked on her in such a longsome way. Their connection was undeniable and it warmed my heart that they had found each other.

"Zalfie is adorable, right?" Nate said.

"Yes, it is so obvious how much they love each other. Have they been together long?"

"About nine months, officially. People found out about them through Zoe's laptop's homescreen in our friend Jim's vlog. They went kind of crazy," Nate explained.

"I can imagine. Many people felt they knew them and then they got together. I bet some feel they are a part of the relationship somehow," I reasoned.

"Maybe, but it's tough. People are so deeply invested in the relationship and if it doesn't work out, so many people will react."

I got the feeling that he was talking from experience but didn't press the issue. It wasn't my place and I didn't know him that well.

"It's kind of surreal, isn't it? Having so many people watching your videos? I know I'm freaking out over the numbers of views on my website and that isn't even that personal."

"It is. Your brain can't fathom it. We're talking close to 3 million people."

"Wait, did you not reach it yet?" I asked surprised. I thought he would have hit 3 million by now like calculated.

"I don't think so," Nate said and pulled out his phone. "It was on 2.990.000 a couple of minutes..."

He went silent and I could see his pupils dilate. In this light his eyes appeared blue.

"I hit it," he whispered and I thought I saw him tear up. Quick as a cheetah I snapped a photo.

"I hit it!" he yelled and draw the attention from the group of people several feet away.

I took another photo of him yelling with his arms over his head. His emotion was so pure. Marcus, Joe and Caspar were the fastest to him and embraced him in an intertwined hug, the other four swiftly followed and I jumped around them snapping photo after photo.

Nate spotted me and somehow managed to get an arm out past his friends' bodies and pull me into the hug. I was squished between Zoe and one of the twins, Finn I believe. I didn't have time to get nervous but joined in with the laughing.

You would think that we were children and not young adults in the age 19-24. I think the overexcitement and natural high of playing the games, had them a little more hyped. I don't know what my excuse was, other than being the youngest in the crowd.

The huddle finally dissolved and a few of them had had their camera with them and were now talking to them. I didn't focus too much on that, my eyes were locked on Nate who had just fished his camera up of his pocket and started talking heart-felt to it.

"I just hit 3 million, I can't believe this guys. It's so amazing! I wanted to film my actual reaction but it I missed it by a little bit. Suddenly the counter had just gone over 3 mil. It might have been stuck on there for a while but thank you so much." He paused to take a deep breath. "You probably think I'm crazy reacting like this when 3 million usually doesn't mean as much to YouTubers as say 1 mil or 5 mil. But I don't know if I'm ever reaching 5 mil and I'm just so happy for all you who have subscribed. Just as I did with 1 mil and 2 mil, I again got some of my YouTube-friends to help me out with an extra special videos for you guys. I will put the video up on tomorrow on my main channel, so if you are watching this as it goes live – it will only be a few more hours before that is up. Translated; I'll be doing a lot of editing tonight. But I'm going to give you guys a sneak peak at whom of my friends are here. Even more amazing they all vlogged this event and it will be up on their channels later. Ready for a spin?"

I moved around, countering the view of the camera and watched as all of the other YouTubers waved as the camera fell on them. Lastly, he turned around to have the camera fall at me. I smiled shyly. I knew this would be omitted from the posted video but I couldn't help myself when he was looking at me like that.

After a couple of seconds that felt like an hour he came to and turned the camera to himself again and started speaking.

I bit my lower lip like I do when I'm nervous and slowly moved to sit in the couch area. Why wouldn't my heartbeat slow down? How you one long look affect me this way? I simply didn't understand.

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