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The warm air blew across the plains of Lothal. The tall grasses rustled and swayed in the wind. In the light of the setting sun, the tall, spire-like rock formations cast long shadows on the grass. In one of the shadows knelt a man. His beard was ragged and unkempt, as if it hadn't been cut in months. His shaggy hair was tied tightly back in a low ponytail. Though his unseeing eyes showed no emotion, there were hard lines set about his mouth, betraying a deep seated worry. But through the worry, there was also a certain grim determination.

Images flashed through the man's mind. Memories, of times gone past. Visions of futures yet to come. Some made sense to the man, others only time could reveal their meaning. One vision in particular concerned the man. The fuel depot in the city. An explosion. A woman, screaming his name... then nothing. The vision had been recurring for days now, and he had a clue of what it might mean, but he wasn't sure if he was ready to accept it. After all, how could you accept your own death?

The white loth-wolf watched the man meditating in the grass. Though the man could not see him, the wolf knew the man could sense his presence through the Force. Likewise, through the Force the wolf could sense the man. The wolf could sense his fear for the one who was captured, and his love for her. He could see the visions that plagued the man's thoughts. He knew that the man could sense his fate, and the doom that was foretold for him.


The wolf sensed the padawan approaching. Without a trace, he melted into the deepening twilight.

The man turned his head at Ezra's approach.

"I need you to do something for me," he told him huskily. He may have schooled his features into an impassive mask, but his voice betrayed his emotions.

"Anything," Ezra replied without question.

"Take the lead on getting Hera back."

Ezra was taken aback. Confusion flicked across his features. "Shouldn't you be the one to do that?" he asked the man uncertainly.

"I would," the man replied, "but I can't think clearly because of the way I feel about her. I might make a mistake... one that could cost us." One that could cost us Hera, he thought. He didn't say it out loud, however. He was all too aware of the gravity of the mission. Voicing his fears would not make them go away.

"We can do this together..." Ezra tried to say comfortingly. But whether he was comforting himself or his master, he didn't know.

The man shook his head, rising to his feet. "No. I'll be with you, but this has to be your plan. You lead."

Ezra nodded, accepting his responsibility. "If that's what you want," he said solemnly.

"It's what we need if we're going to save Hera," the man said. "And everyone else," he added under his breath.

With that, Kanan Jarrus, Jedi Knight, turned to face the the last of the light as the sun dipped below the horizon.

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