Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Hey I've decided I am going to be ending this book real soon but don't worry, when the show comes back on I'll start it up again, sorry hope you all enjoy. This isn't the last chapter, next one will be.


I woke up laying on a blanket, with a blanket on me. I quickly got dressed as I polled leaves out of my hair and looked around for Klaus. I walked a little bit in the woods and heard some water. I walked towards it and saw Klaus sitting on a log looking out into the water. I walked toward him and sat next to him as he continued to look at the water.

“I thought you would have left” I said to Klaus “it crossed my mind then I thought of something”. Klaus looked at me “you never told me to go or stay yet” I thought for a second “Klaus, everything I felt was real before. But I need a new life, and I wish you were part of it but everywhere I go with you, it turns worst then what it really needs to be” I said to Klaus. Klaus nodded his head “I understand” he said and kissed my forehead “have a, a normal life, my little hunter” Klaus said with a smile making me smile.

Klaus ran off as I sat there silent, thinking. I must have sat there for a half an hour before finally getting up and grabbing my things that Klaus must have gotten out of my car. I headed back to my car and threw it in the back but noticed the box that I had put in there long ago. I picked it up and looked at it. I got in the drivers seat, putting the box in the passenger seat and drove off.

I had just reached Florida and was tired but I didn't want to stop driving, I wanted to get home, take a long shower, then sleep for 18 days. My rang as I grabbed it and looked to see it was Klaus. I answered it “Klaus when I say – I started “I have him” I heard a mans voice and knew who it was, Mark.

“Mark” I said mad “good guess” he said as I good hear him smiling. “I thought Klaus would have killed you” I said “oh he did, but I had a vampire feed me their blood so this way I could still get Klaus”. “Wow you must really hate Klaus to become just like him, I thought hunters had a deal that they wouldn't turn into a vampire” I asked? “Well, look who's talking” “I never turned into a vampire” I yelled threw the phone.

“Oh I know that now, but you did fall in love with one, the Original vampire, the vampire that killed your family” Mark said. I said nothing “if you want him alive then you'll meet me at a small cabin that is deep in the woods across from your house, you better hurry, I don't know how much more he can take” mark said as I heard Klaus scream in the background.

I quickly hung up and sped up, heading into the woods. Sadly the trail didn't go as far back as it needed to go so I had to walk. I held one gun that had stakes in it, another I put in my back pocket. I stuck a knife full of vervain in my boot and in my pocket. I headed into the woods as darkness started to come. I kept walking until I saw the cabin that Mark was talking about.

I took a deep breath and opened the door “well, well, well looks like you were wrong Klaus” I heard Mark say and quickly turned around holding my gun up. I saw Klaus tied up in a chair with vervain rope and his skin was burned like vervain was pored on him “you know, Klaus said that you wouldn't come but I told him that you would because you just love him to much” Mark said.

I held my gun tight in my hands and pointed it at Mark “how could you love someone like this. I mean after all he did” Mark said “because I see the good in Klaus” I said and shot Mark but he easily caught it so I kept shooting him until his hands were full and I hit him in the leg, bringing him to the ground. I ran up and kneed him hard in the face knocking him to the ground.

I ran over to Klaus taking out my knife and started to cut the rope “you shouldn't be here” Klaus said. “Yah, well when do I ever listen to you” I said with a small smile making Klaus smile as well. I helped Klaus up but before we could get to far Mark grabbed my foot making me fall and drop Klaus and my gun. Mark grabbed my gun in my back pocket and flipped me over.

“Say goodbye” he said holding the gun at me as I stabbed him in the stomach “goodbye” I said and pushed him off of me. I helped Klaus up and we ran out of the cabin and into the woods. “Hold on” I said and sat Klaus down when I knew we were far enough away. I got out my knife and cut my wrist “here” “Star” “you need your strength” I said to him as he sighed and took my hand just as we heard a hun shot.

Klaus looked around and looked at me as his widen and I looked down to see I was bleeding. I was shot in the back I slumped to the ground as Klaus caught me and “Star” he said as his eyes went huge. “Klaus” I managed to speak out as Mark walked up to his with a weak smile “how sweat”. Klaus ran up ripping off Marks neck with his teeth as I laid there.

“Star” Klaus said and picked me up as everything started to go dark. Then it did, for a split second before I appeared back in Mystic Falls, in their city. I looked around confused “where am I” I asked myself “Star” I turn around and see Damon and Alaric. “Where am I” I asked confused “no” Damon said “what” I asked “Star you're dead” Alaric said “what” I asked confused.

“Don't worry we can get out of here come on” Damon said grabbing my arm and polling me into the woods. I fallowed them as we saw Bonnie “Bonnie” Damon yelled and she looks up “thank god, wait Star what are you doing here” Bonnie asked me? “I got shot, it's a long story” I said “we don't have time right now”Bonnie said and grabbed Alaric and he vanished. “Where's Elena” Damon asked “she made it through, come on” Bonnie said about to grab Damon.

“Wait take Star first” “what, no you go first” I said to Damon “we don't have time for this” Damon said. “Hurry up” Bonnie said “Damon what about you” I said to him “hey, I'll be fine” Damon said but it didn't sound like he meant it. “Go” Damon said looking at me and I quick gave him a kiss on the lips. Bonnie grabbed me and I appeared in what I was guessing was the rel world. I looked around to see everyone “Star” Elena asked confused.


“No, Star wake up” I yelled at her but she wouldn't, Bonnie I thought of and quickly kissed Star's forehead and headed back to Mystic Falls. I ran as fast as I could until I was finally there and listened, I heard people talking in the woods and ran there. “Klaus what are you doing here” Caroline asked “I remembered what you told em about Bonnie, Star's on the other side” I said.

All of a sudden Bonnie came back threw with Alaric “where's Star” I demanded Bonnie “hold on” she told me. All of a sudden she came back with Star and she looked around confused. “Klaus” she said running up to me as I hugged her and she hugged me back as I sighed with relief. Star polled away “where's Damon, he was right behind me” Star asked Bonnie as she looked at all of us “it's to late” she said.

Elena ran off as Star just stood there, he was gone, for good, he was dead. I almost felt bad for him as Star cried in my chest. I held onto her.

The Original Memory (Book 4)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin