Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I almost cried writing this chapter, please let me know what you think of this chapter, thanks to everyone who's reading and voting, you guys are the best!


"What are you guys doing here" I asked giving Elena a quick side hug a bit mad but more shocked. "Your friend invited us here" Stefan said "listen, you guys need to go, like now" I said. "Why" Bonnie asked confused "please just trust me, please go" I begged. "Star is everything okay" Jeremy asked "everything's fine but you guys need to go".

"Star are you sure everything's okay" Stefan asked me a bit worried "Klaus is here" I said and they all froze. "If he finds out you all are here he's going to flip, it was great to see you guys but you need to go" I said to them. "Okay, okay we get it" Jeremy said as they all hugged me goodbye but Damon stood in front of me, silent.

"Damon please go" I said to him "why should I" Damon asked a bit mad "Klaus compelled me to forget a lot about you. Maybe I should talk to him" Damon said looking around. I placed a hand on his chest, stopping him "please Damon leave" I said to him. "Star move" Damon said mad "Damon" I said as he walked past me and looked around for Klaus. I quickly ran out the back.

"Klaus" I called out and quickly turned around to see Klaus "have you decided to finally let me in" Klaus asked with a smile. "Klaus you need to go, I'm serous now please go" I said to him. "Why" Klaus asked confused "Klaus" Klaus turned around, as there stood Damon looking mad. "Damon please go" I said to him, trying to hold back Klaus. Damon charged for Klaus,pinning him to the ground "Damon stop" I yelled.

Klaus flipped Damon over punching him as Elena and Stefan came running over "Klaus stop, Klaus" I yelled at him but they wouldn't stop punching Damon. All of a sudden someone grabbed Klaus and pinned him to the building as Stefan and Elena grabbed Damon holding him. "Niklaus stop this" Elijah said mad as Klaus looked at Elijah surprised to see him as was everyone else.

Klaus wasn't surprised for long as he flung Elijah and headed for Damon again as they both fought. "Klaus stop" I yelled at Klaus as he held onto Damon, about to rip his head off. "Niklaus stop it" I yelled making Klaus stop and look at me "out. Him. Down" I said as Klaus looked at me. He let Damon go and looked around. Damon went to charge for Klaus again but I grabbed his jacket, throwing him to the ground and kicked him hard in the stomach.

"Damon leave" Damon looked at me surprised "go" I yelled at him as he quickly stood up and ran off. I looked at Stefan and Elena "go" I yelled to them. I looked at the ground as Klaus stood a bit in front of me and Elijah behind me. "Star" Klaus started "I don't want to hear it right now, just go and meet me at my apartment" I said mad. Klaus ran off as I sighed.

I turned around and saw Elijah "what are you doing here" I asked but it came out almost like a whisper. "Your friend invited me to the party and I figured Damon and Klaus were invited as well, so I thought I'd come" Elijah said. I sighed and sat on the stairs "are you okay" "did you know that Klaus was here" "no" Elijah said "did you know about Caroline" I asked looking up at him.

Elijah sighed "yes" I sighed and looked back foreword "of course" I said and stood up "can you please just make everyone leave" I said to Elijah and he nodded as I started to walk away. "Star" I stopped and turned around "it was good to see you again, you look good" Elijah said. I smiled "you were always the good brother" I said just like I did at the very beginning.

I walked away and to my car. My feet were killing me, I took off my heals and looked at them "I hate heals" I said and chucked them into the woods and got in my car, starting it "and I hate parties". I polled out of the driveway and headed to my apartment. I walked in with a sigh as I threw my jacket on a chair and turned into my bedroom to see Klaus standing, looking out the window.

I jumped surprised "what are you doing here" "you told me to come to your apartment" "yah like wait outside by my door or in the living room like somewhat of a normal person, not wait in my room" I said a bit mad. Klaus was silent "can you at least leave my room so I can get out of this dress" I said getting out a tank top and some shorts out. "Why, it wouldn't be the first time I saw you naked" Klaus said with a smirk as I looked at him mad.

Klaus left my room, closing the door behind him while I got dress. I opened my bedroom door and saw Klaus just as he opened one of the closet doors. "I see you still haven't given up hunting" Klaus said. The closet was full of hunting things "they're in there because I did" I said closing the closet door mad. "Klaus why" I asked standing in the middle of my hallway.

"Damon came at me" Klaus yelled at me "but you didn't have to almost kill him" I yelled at Klaus. "You still have feelings for him don't you" Klaus asked making me sigh, frustrated "no Klaus I don't". "Are you sure" "Klaus I don't" I half yelled making Klaus draw silent. "Why did you come here" I asked braking the silence "you moved on with Caroline, you should have just staid there, leave me be" I said.

"I promised you I'd find you in 5 months and I didn't, I'm sorry, but why are you so mad at me" Klaus asked. "Because Klaus, why should I even give you a chance anymore after what you've done to me. I've forgiven you more times then anyone has ever, I forgave you and had hope for you even when Elijah didn't" I yelled. "But you still do nothing but throw it in my face. You can try everything in the book but it doesn't matter" I said upset.

Klaus looked at me, listening but stopped me by kissing me. I was surprised but at the same time missed his lips on mine. Klaus polled away and looked into my eyes "you told me once, all you ever wanted me to do was care. Now I am and you turn away from me. I don't deserve you're forgiveness, I don't deserve you, but I still want it" Klaus whispered to me.

I looked at Klaus as so many thought went threw my mind. I couldn't let him hurt me, not anymore. "Your right, you don't deserve any of that" I said as tears fell down my cheeks "and you can't have it. You've lost me Klaus, and you can't get me back" I said as Klaus looked at me hurt. I could tell he was holding back tears. "Now for once in your life, can you please, leave, me, alone" I said. Klaus looked at me a mad "these small town people, small town life, it won't enough for you".

I looked at Klaus a bit mad as well "I guess it will have to do". Klaus disappeared from in front of me. I hung my head as tears came from my eyes. I headed into my room and laid on my bed, crying into the pillow. All of a sudden the window broke and I quickly opened my eyes and looked around just in time to see someone hit me hard on the head with something, knocking me out.

Check out the video for Klaus and Star ->

The Original Memory (Book 4)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora