“You don’t even care.” She mumbled and leaned her head on the leather seat of my Lamborghini.

“I do care Mina, but what do you expect me to do when you’re out here telling people we’re working on us, and I’m your baby? What did we agree to last week?”

I heard Mina sniffle. Damn she was crying, I hated when she cried.

“I know Chris, I know we’re not together anymore, it just feels weird not being with you anymore. I used to see you everyday, now I only see you if it’s about clothes!” Mina cried and turned to face me, tears streaming down her beautiful face.

“I’m sorry Mina, what do you want me to do?”

“Love me like you used to!” She yelled and broke down in sobs. Damn.


I just stayed silent until I pulled up in front of Mina’s loft that she shared with her best friend Seiko.

“Mina, wake up.” I muttered and shook her leg lightly. She sprung up and looked around her. I don’t know when she’d fallen asleep, but she was knocked out.

She grabbed her stuff and threw the car door open.

“You ain’t gone say goodbye Mina?” I yelled as she started to walk to the entrance of the apartments.

“Kiss my ass!” She yelled back, making me laugh. I shook my head as I pulled out of the complex. Tonight had been wild. Michael had called me at like 12 in the afternoon talking about throwing a party, and a few hours later there was over three hundred people in his crib!

Nia was one of those people, I didn’t even expect her to come through, but I was glad she did. I really liked Nia man, which had my head so messed up. I hadn’t known her for a long time, but every time I was around her, I felt so calm and carefree, it was so refreshing.

And she was gorgeous, she was so beautiful it stunned me sometimes. But I knew I couldn’t come back from what happened tonight. I had her pretty ass ready to give it up to me in the restroom, kissing on my neck and shit, and then Mina called me, looking for me just so she could nag about Ginger.

I answered, and made the big mistake of calling her babe. It was a habit, that’s all I ever called Mina.

She just pushed me away and got dressed and let without a word. I knew she wouldn’t forgive me.

I would definitely try to see what could happen with Nia and me, but I knew it’d never happen, cause she was always feeling guilty about Mina, and Mina was always feeding her bullshit.

I’d broken things off with Mina so long ago, but she just kept telling everyone we were working on us. There was nothing to work on.

I drove back to my condo and got there in less than half an hour. I made sure to park in the underground garage, and lock my car before I started hustling up the stairs to my home.

As I turned the corner onto my hallway, I started to think about if I should go see Nia and apologize. The longer I waited, the worse it would be. And I wanted to make things right with her, believe it or not, I really thought of her as a friend.

"Eff it." I mumbled and walked one door past my home and knocked on the wood.

I looked down at my rose gold Rolex watch for the time, it was 1:38, not that late.

"Who the hell?" I heard Nia's voice from behind the door. She lifted up on her tippy toes and looked through the small peephole before kissing her teeth and opening the door, obviously annoyed with my presence.

Suite 103. (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now