Bell Test. Wait... What?

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" But sensei there's two bells and four of us." Sakura piped in. Damn her squeaky voice.

" That's where Shiori comes in. Unlike you she isn't a Genin. " They all stared wide eyed at me. " She's a Jounin. " A few gasps were heard as I just blinked. " She will also be helping train you. Now both of us will have a bell. Your job is to get a bell. Come at us with the intent to kill or you already lost."

Kakashi handed me a bell which I took and looked down at myself. Then up at Kakashi. " Where do I put it?" He frowned before kneeling in front of me and tying it to my wrist. " Oh." I deadpanned.

" Alright. When I say start. Ready. Set."

But before he could say go, Naruto, being the Naruto we all know, decided to attack. Which led to Kakashi showing off by re directing Naruto's arm to point the kunai to the back of his neck within a split second.

" I didn't even say go yet." Kakashi chided. " But you came at me with the intent to kill. So how can I say this. I'm starting to like you guys." Kakashi let Naruto go. " Go!"

The Genin jumped away, then it was quiet for a second.

" Ninja must be able to keep quiet and still. At least they understand that part."

" I see this. " Then Naruto jumped out of nowhere.

" Alright sensei just you and me! Right now!" I blinked in surprise and turned to Kakashi.

" Go find the others." I nodded and took off, jumping into the trees then from branch to branch, until I was in the center of a fitted open area.

" Come out come out wherever you are ~ !" I sang. My hands cupped the side of my mouth. I took a look around and began feeling for chakra. But I didn't get enough time as I had to jump over a shuriken that came towards me. In my awesomeness, and be abuse it was directed at my abdomen, I beck flipped and landed on one hand before spinning and falling gracefully to my feet, facing my opponent. Which just had to be Sasuke.

" You know. It would've been easier to go after Kakashi." I stated. " I won't go easy on some pathetic little brat so hell bent on revenge, that we all know he won't achieve. " My words must have hit a nerve. Why? Because he came at me with punches and kicks.

But I was not having that. I ripped off my right glove and slammed my hand on the ground, ice surrounded us, and creep ed up his legs. Twisting and turning, got him nowhere. I looked down at my feminine hands. They looked nothing like the hands of a ninja, but that of a applied princess. Considering all my time is taken by training.

" How?!" Sasuke stared down that the ice. I lifted my hand a small ways and the ice grew, now trapping him from waist down.

" Nothing you need to know." I sighed and rang the bell a little. " You guys are so clue less. " Just then Sakura screamed. I turned away and started walking away, leaving Sasuke to get himself out. Poor kid.

And the alarm rang out. I let out a small giggle as I let my ice melt, making Uchihaha's pants wet as I walked away. Upon entering the original clearing where this all started, I spotted a tied up Naruto, impassive Sasuke and confused Sakura.

" Nope." I handed Kakashi my bell. He took it before glaring at his students.

" Alright. The test is over. You are all.." But Kakashi was cut off my Naruto.

" We pass?! No way!" He started smiling and wiggling in his bonds.

" Really?! We pass? All I did was faint and fall over! Do you get points for that?" Sakura put her hands together and squealed. I just shook my head before turning and walking away.

" That's right. You all are being dropped from the program. Permanently." Naruto and Sakura gasped and then I heard a thump.

Oh well. I sighed and kept walking. Until Kakashi stopped me. I swear my eye was twitching as I formed a hand sign and poofed away. I was not dealing with idiots.

Ayame: Another chapter!!
Sakura: Ahem.

Ayame: R-right. S-sorry. Here to send us off is Kiba and Akamaru!

Kiba: What? * looks around* What's going on?

Akamaru: Woof!

*Ayame glomps Kiba*

*Naruto sighs*

Naruto: Ayame does not own me or any Naruto characters. If she did.... I wouldn't be here...

Not So Innocent (Naruto Uzumaki Love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora