Naruto Namikaze: A Merged Soul

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Real world, an hour ago.

"With this, Tou-sama will have to acknowledge me"

Naruto Namikaze smirked when he jumped from tree to tree, getting away from Hokage Residence as far as possible. His back was carrying the giant Scroll of Sealing, which he just stole right under his father's nose by transforming into a naked version of his mother, knocking the man out immediately with a massive nosebleed.

Serve his right, Naruto thought to himself.

He loved his family dearly, but the way they all focused their attention to Naruko and Minami had gotten to his nerve since the day they was young. They were geniuses yes, but if at least his father and mother could teach him a jutsu or two, or even how to fight, he wouldn't fail the exam three times and now had to do the special test to get his head protector.

A sad smile crossed the only son of Namikaze, it just that he didn't understand why he still loved them, after they hadn't been there for him most of his life.

His older sister, Minami was a total bitch to him, she made all the prank and then told everyone he did that. When he wanted to eat ramen, she chose dango and their parent always listen to his sister, not him.

At the same time, Naruko, Minami twin and his younger sister completely ignored him, and looked at him like he didn't exist at all.

His father always busy and barely home, but every time he was home, he always said how proud he was to have two genius and talent students and trained them with the most powerful techniques Namikaze Clan got.

His mother…he didn't know what to say anymore, like Naruko, she ignored him. When she actually paid attention to him, it was always the scolding from all the pranks Minami famed on him.

He was their son, yet the same time wasn't.

Minato had no idea how Naruto wished to hear those words from his father.

Today was his birthday, while everyone celebrating Minami and Naruko's birthday, he had to come here to do the test Mizuki-sensei had given him or else he wouldn't be made a genin of Konoha.

Naruto stopped at a wide clearing and sat down, unsealed the scroll and read.

"Kage…Bushin no Jutsu?" the young boy read "sound interesting, maybe I should…"

But before the red haired boy could begin to learn the jutsu, a kunai stabbed itself down to the ground in front of him, where his hand was a millisecond ago.

Wide eyes in shock, Naruto looked up to find the one who threw it, only to be kicked directly in the face by a familiar red head.

"There you're Naruto-teme" Minami Namikaze shouted as she looked at the whimpering form of her so called little brother, holding his bloody nose "You ruined my birthday by stealing Tou-sama's important scroll" she cried out before kicking him in the stomach "Why don't you leave us alone, you're just the pain in the ass to me, to Naruko, and to our parent" she stomped her foot on her younger's stomach and glared down at him "Next time you do something like this, I'm sure I will beat the hell out of you. I'm a chunnin, while you…never mind that?" she pointed at her forehead protector before giving him another kick.

"Stupid" Minami turned around to pick up the scroll and put it on her back.

But before she could take the walk back to her house, the red head chunnin jumped out of the way just in time a large massive windmill shuriken flew pass her head. Minami pulled a kunai out from her kunai pouch and took a fighting stance

"Well well, if it isn't the genius daughter of Hokage-sama" the arrogant voice belonged to Mizuki made Minami snapped her head up and saw her attacker. The white head bastard that always tried to hit on her despite the fact that he almost double her age, standing tall on a tree's branch with a smirk and a shuriken, as big as the previous one on his back.

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