21. Ego

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2302. 04. 21.

I actually predicted it. Because my name was Maximus Pluto, and because I was someone totally different that I didn't even know, the door had opened back at the Peterson's house, and even again now. It wasn't because the people that were helping us used their technology to hack into the system and open the door, it was because of me. This Maximus Pluto, apparently had substantial authority. I had substantial authority. But the only thing I couldn't understand, was why.

Somehow, thinking of this made my head ache horribly. Like I was missing just one piece to solve the whole puzzle. I had to stop thinking about it and concentrate on the situation. I turned around to see Violet. Her eyes were on me like I was a person that she had never seen before. She was shaking a little and I could see that the grip on her gun had hardened. She must have been caught by total surprise. Her expression was unreadable. Violet's grayish-blue eyes had turned to a completely stormy gray color. My mind became as cloudy as her eyes. I couldn't understand what she was thinking.

"Violet?" I tried to touch her arm but she took a step back and she stared at the ground.

"Who are you?" she spat out bitterly. There were tears filling her eyes. I wanted to make her feel better. "Are you an act?"

"Look at me." I pulled up her chin so that our faces were close. "Who do you think I am?"

"I don't know," she said slowly. "Tell me. Tell me that you're the one I know. Tell me that you haven't gone anywhere."

"I would never, leave you." Her eyes met mine and somehow the whole situation was so sad. The fact that I didn't know who I was, and the fact that Violet wasn't completely trusting me. If I didn't know who I was, it was obvious that Violet didn't feel one hundred percent confident with me. I wasn't even confident of myself.

I had to confirm to myself that I was Egorbis, and that I hadn't been Maximus Pluto from the start. I may have been born as Maximus Pluto, but I was still Ego, the poor Confined who was abandoned by his parents when he was little. I had no reason to get a headache because I didn't know who I was. I was still me.

I kissed her. It was the first time I ever kissed a girl and I was probably completely horrible at it, but I did. Her lips were wet and soft because her tears had rolled down her cheek and near her mouth. They didn't taste good because we'd been through so much for the past few days, but the sensation that I was confirming that I liked her was what really made it special. I was in love for the first time in my life.

It was similar to the time when she had stroked my hair. That time, when my heart almost leaped out of my throat, it was so similar to that feeling. I knew my face was as red as an apple and Finn would probably tease me that when I had my first kiss I was a blush-face.

When our lips parted she had stopped crying. My heart was pounding crazily as I stared into her eyes. Her eyes had cleared to their ordinary color and the light that reflected from her eyes seeped into me. I knew that now, Violet had understood that I was Ego, not Maximus. I knew that now, I understood too.

"My name is Ego. I was always Ego, and right now I am Ego, and I will always be. You got it?" It felt like my subconscious was talking to me.

She nodded slowly.

"I'm sorry to break the moment, but I was plenty shocked too. Does that mean I deserve a kiss?" Finn joked. "We can do this. We'll be okay." He patted our backs.

"Finn's right. We must go. The clock is ticking, and we have no time to lose. Not any," Min agreed. Violet and I nodded.

We entered the prison, hand in hand.

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