2. Violet

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2302. 04. 11

"Ladies, now put the rose in the middle of the bouquet. Yes, there," The teacher instructed us. "Elliot! Not there! In the middle!" she scolded.

I smirked. I picked up my bouquet and put in into the glass flower vase. The teacher started clapping.
"Beautiful. Wonderful. Just perfect, Miss Crowe. Let's all give a big round of applause to Miss Crowe!" The teacher praised me.

"Thank you. It's really nothing." I bowed as all the other girls in the garden clapped for me. Polly and Natalie grinned at me with their thumbs up. I smiled at them. Natalie stood up from her seat.

"Everyone! I have an announcement to make. Tomorrow night there is going to be a party at my house! Everything will be provided, and there will  be handsome boys, and perhaps... a little liquor?" Everyone laughed. So did I. "Here's the invitation card," She started handing them out, but when she got to Elliot, she just passed her without giving her anything.

I looked at Elliot. She was always the outsider, the girl who just didn't like to be part of the group. Her geeky glasses made her eyes look much bigger than they were, and her ugly blonde pigtails drooped on her shoulders lifelessly. The color of her flower dress was fading because when I first saw it, it was a pretty sky-blue color. Now it looked like a rag. She seemed depressed since Natalie hadn't invited her to her party.

"Look at my dolls, don't touch them," she used to say shrugging her shoulders in pride. She always used to boast to me about her closet and dolls, but look at her now. How helpless.

I do kind of feel bad for her sometimes, but at the same time, I feel good. I know how the world up here goes around, every inch of the politics comes to my ears because my father wants me to continue his job in the future. The world is in the palm of my hand.

I am Violet Crowe, daughter of Ethen Crowe, the member of the national parliament with the most authority. My father is closest to TITAN, his best friend and trusted assistant. My father is the actual one who keeps things going and he probably does more work than TITAN.

"TITAN is only a scarecrow in front of me. I'm the farmer. Everything will be in place when Pluto comes. Pluto will be the crow that will scare TITAN away in reverse," my father had said, his eyes glistening with enthusiasm. I had no idea what that meant, though. Pluto is a dwarf planet, isn't it?

My life is absolutely perfect. I have everything I need, everything I want, and if I don't have it, it's a matter of time before I do. The life I live is a real utopia.
There is just one thing I don't have. Love. Boys fall in love with me in an instant, and I just couldn't care less. I have never in my life loved someone with my heart. I'm looking for something called true love, the thing that is said to only appear stories long ago from the 20th and 21st centuries. They say you will know true love at first sight and I am very eager to experience what it feels like.

I took the vase up to my room when the flower arrangement class was over. I put it on my dresser and looked at it once more. It was beautiful. A little like me. I moved it a little to the right and almost knocked down something on top of it.

"Oh!" I exclaimed as I barely caught it. "That was close." It was the present my mom gave me when I was five years old. It is a wooden music box with a twirling ballerina in it. It isn't sparkly, but it is still the most beautiful thing I own. I rubbed my finger across the delicately carved shapes along the side. Mother told me that it's been handed down for centuries, since the 20th century. I remember myself buying the same purple ballet suit as the doll just to look alike. I also remember myself dissatisfied because I didn't resemble her at all.

My curly long hair is deep brown, my grayish blue eyes are large and happy, my olive skin has no faults, and I have quite a curvy body. I can eat as much as I want and still not get fat because of the pills that are made especially for me that help me digest all the nutrients and fat. But still, the ballerina looked more beautiful. I couldn't exactly point my finger on what it was. It was just radiatng beauty.

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