10. Ego

201 28 6

Keep going!
Love ya!♡


2302. 04. 15

The box fit perfectly in my hand. It wasn’t anything fancy, but some part of it made it feel heavy. I felt like I wasn’t supposed to touch it without cleaning my hands. The small ballerina was firmly attached to the box and didn’t seem like she had any intention of getting off her stage. Her stare looked like it was teasing me as if she knew that, compared with her, I didn’t have anything. She had a nice dress, beautiful face, and a nice small stage to show her talents on. If I were in her shoes, I’d be happy. I’d be lucky.

Violet had said that this was from her mother. I couldn’t treat it carelessly, it meant a lot to her. Violet had gone through so much without her parents and, without this, I’m sure she’d give up. I stuck it into my secret place for hiding valuable materials. It was just a sack made of my old clothes, but it looked like a mop so no one would touch it. I hung it on the side of my bunk.

Violet and I. I wondered what kind of relationship we were building. I’d helped her and she’d helped me. Did that mean we were friends? I helped Ian (I got his name right!) but I didn’t think he was my friend yet. To him, I might be one.

Violet and I. She’d laid down a product. A very tempting product. She’d tempted me to buy it. To work with her. To become a rebel. I’d become a customer of her business.

Violet and I. She’d changed my perception of thinking. I always thought I had to repress myself. Of course I’d helped people before, but I had never let a criminal get away. This time I let it happen. It was for good wasn’t it? The RLs were dominating the financial resources. It didn’t matter if a little were stolen from them. A little could make a lot of people happier. She let me know that what I wanted to do was the right thing. When I was with her I let out who I truly wanted to be. She was my friend. She was my business mate. And she was my motivation. In a couple of days, she’d become a big part of my empty life.

Thinking about it, I hadn’t been much of a friend to her. I’d only given her a hand when she was getting hit by the police. I had only made her cry by saying horrible things about how we couldn’t change the world even if we tried. I thought it was time to do something for her. I wanted to do something for her that would make her feel like there was still hope. She had made me feel that way.
I knew what I had to do.

I needed to save her parents.


I'm sorry that the chapter is short.
Haha. It has to be.
It's like the turning part of the story!!
Thanks for reading up to here.

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