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2302. 04. 11.

Ethen Crowe walked into the spacious conference room. Today he was going to make an opinion that might change the world once and for all. It will be dangerous mentioning full support towards The Confined, but it was the right thing. Ethen Crowe was planning on setting everything straight. He knew that TITAN would not be pleased with what he said. But they were friends. If he made a powerful speech that would be able to move TITAN's heart, everything would go according to plan. The world will ultimately make a turning point into a new beginning.

The conference started at one O'clock sharp. TITAN didn't like things off his schedule and he was a person like a knife. Sharp and Keen.

TITAN was wearing black slacks, a white V-neck shirt and a long black coat that came down to his Achilles heel. His pointy nose stuck out of his rather flat face. His green eyes glowed even in the bright conference room. He seemed like he was in a good mood today, because he had painted his fingernails pink. That meant he was happy in some-what freaky way. There was always something eerie about his features, but he looked more ominous today as his bony fingers stroke his mustache.

"We shall... start the weekly conference... of the second week of April... Anyone who has an opinion should raise his hand... and will be given... the right-"

"Just get on with it." TITAN said in his firm and deep voice. This was when he was in a rather good mood though.

Some of the politicians cautiously started to present their opinions on what they thought needed change or improvising. When the silence was broken enough, Ethen Crowe decided that it was now time to present his idea to the world.

He had been working on this for weeks and lots of people were supporting his opinion.

I will write history today.

His argument was strong enough to push through the wall of opponents, and Ethen Crowe was sure that he could pull TITAN through this one too. His idea was compact, with no hinge on any side. There was evidence in all circumstances that it will turn out to be successful. Triumphantly, Ethen Crowe rose his hand. TITAN nodded to him. Ethen Crowe stood up confidently and started to speak.

"I have something to announce to the whole council because I hope the RL will prosper and make everywhere to become a better world." That was his own way of starting his speech. Every time Ethen Crowe started a speech, he started it like this; it didn't seem like much but it made his whole speech much more persuasive for the listeners to hear. It was one of his own strategies of talking to people.

Ethen Crowe took a deep breath. "A couple of months ago, I had a great opportunity to visit The Confined. It took place at the Hall of The Confined. I was going to start a speech. There, I met a person brave enough to come up to me and slap me across the face." Everyone gasped and started whispering. TITAN was smiling.

"At first I was furious, because first, it was a woman, and second, she was a Confined. I was shocked and no words found my lips." Ethen Crowe brushed his hair backwards. He put on a weary smile. "The next words are exactly what the woman said to me."

"'I'm not scared of you at all because you are a coward who hides behind money.'" That got me thinking. Am I?

"'What makes you think of that?' I talked back to her. I was still angry at her attitude toward me. After all, I am a RL, not a Confined.

"'I walk and talk and eat and sleep and live just like you do.' She said. She dug her finger into my shoulder as she spit out every word.

"'And do you even know how we're treated? We are treated like rats, we're told that we're not supposed to be in the sunlight because we might go blind. And we just sit there. Ignorantly.' Now she faced the audience all looking up at us.

"'People of The Confined, are we to just lay ourselves down on the ground so that the RL will step on top of us to avoid the dirt? All we get, is more scratches. On our bodies, and on our souls. This doesn't make us the Confined, we are the Sacrificed. We are sacrificed for their needs, wants, and greed.' She rose her right hand to her heart. Her speech was so impressive that I was almost moved by her words. In fact, this wasn't the end.

"'The Desperado screams out to me to free it from such heavy burdens. And at first I thought it was not the auditorium, it was the people inside it. The Desperado represents our desperate hearts for freedom of our own life. At least when we are inside of it, shouldn't we be fighting for our rights?' She shouted out to the Confined. Or now, should I say the sacrificed?

"This woman's words clearly have changed my perception towards the Confined and how they should be dealt with." Ethen Crowe paused and scanned the faces of all of the members. Everyone seemed uncomfortable, especially because of TITAN smiling so widely. Sure that he had satisfied TITAN well enough, he continued his speech.

"I propose on April 11th, that in short time, the Confined should not be called that name anymore. The Confined will not be extracted from us anymore and will join our RL world. Guaranteed an opportunity filled life, everybody in the Confined will be able to present their talents to the world. The minimum amount of financial assistance will be given to every person even though he or she does not have an occupant. This way, the Confined will no longer have hurt feelings toward us RLs.

"I'm not saying that the Confined will be completely swallowed into the RL and be totally mixed with us. They will have less benefits, less treats, less opportunities than us RLs in order to still remain our society's structure. However, in the near future I am actually hoping that all of the Confined will one day be able to live a life like ours. Full, and regretless." Ethen Crowe bowed and seated himself in his chair. The conference broke into an awkward applause, except for TITAN.

It was after the applause died down when TITAN showed his reaction. TITAN clapped loudly with a grin on his face. Soon the smile twisted into laughter, showing his glowing white teeth quite disturbingly. His wrinkleless face restrained to stay young. That was when Ethen Crowe noticed that something was wrong.
TITAN doesn't smile.

He usually closed his eyes when he approved of proposals.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" TITAN stood up. He was still smiling. All of the hairs on Ethen Crowe's back stood up, and no kidding there were a lot of hairs on his back. "Love for the Confined. That was the best proposal you have ever made in history Ethen Crowe." He clapped for Ethen Crowe again. Ethen Crowe began to release his nervousness. Perhaps the TITAN really was touched by his speech.

Ethen Crowe bowed to TITAN in his seat. "I'm very pleased sir, for you to think of my proposal in that way. I was actually very nervous about the confusion it would bring upon us." Ethen Crowe confessed. Everyone in the room nodded as if the confusion was significant indeed.

TITAN barked a laugh that made Ethen Crowe jump. Something was definitely wrong. TITAN's pink fingernails seemed like the most dangerous things right now. "Why would you think that? You know I love you." TITAN came over and patted Ethen Crowe on the back. Everyone gasped. Ethen Crowe froze. Whenever TITAN patted someone on the back it meant horrible futures were planned for them. TITAN got back into his seat and sneered.

"Shall we all give a toast?" TITAN lifted his glass of champagne which was the call of the conference to close.

"For what, sir?" A member asked cautiously.

"What else?" TITAN held up his cup and drank a sip out of it. He set the cup down. "The dismissal of Ethen Crowe, of course."

Ethen Crowe's life plummeted down into the dark.

Pitch black.


OMG What happened to Violet's dad finally came.
I can't believe he actually was dismissed!
What do you think Violet would be feeling now?
Now do you understand why she was tortured by her friends?
Yeah, they already had heard about the news.
This is the fourth chapter already!
I hope you guys liked it!
Please leave comments and click the magic button if you liked this chapter!
I love you all!!

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