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2302. 04. 21.

TITAN was impressed. The boy had been much smarter than he thought he would be. Well, it was quite predictable that Maximus had gotten the smart genes from his mother, but TITAN hadn't thought he would be this clever. The boy had tricked him into waiting for Pluto. As if she was going to come see him. He had believed in the boy's words too easily. TITAN had been blind.

Although impressed, he was equally angry. The boy had noticed that the humanoid next to him looked almost exactly like a real human being. It was enough to convince Violet and that other boy, Finn, as his mother. Actually, Pluto looked nothing like that. TITAN remembered her every inch perfectly. She was beautiful in a mysterious way, with pitch black hair that flowed down her back, and her greenish eyes weren't the color of TITAN's but much lighter, with a shade of brown in them. Her hands were gentle, yet strong enough to fight off three strong men. And her intelligence, her intelligence was what really made TITAN fall in love with her in the first place.

However, it was when Pluto got married to a poor man that TITAN's feelings started to distort themselves. Pluto raised a small man, Keith, into a fine and wealthy man, and soon Keith was elected as the president of the government. Pluto had spent her life raising him and TITAN couldn't stand to watch. He wanted Pluto for his own.

So he rebelled. He rose up against Keith, and destroyed his family, reputation, and authority. And finally, what made Pluto turn her back on TITAN was when TITAN killed him. TITAN didn't mean to, but when Pluto saw the blood on his hands, Pluto ran away and never came back. TITAN had never seen her since, but he could never stop seeing that horrified expression on her face in his dreams.

From then on, he'd heard rumors. Pluto was going to rebel, and destroy everything TITAN had, like he had once done to Keith. Pluto had gone out to the desert because she couldn't take it in this horrifying society. Pluto had escaped and lived secretly in the Confined without anyone realizing it was her.

TITAN had searched everywhere, but there was no sign of her. That was when he started to notice the disappearance of Confined prisoners. TITAN knew it was Pluto's way of showing her rage toward him. She always left a mark. She always left the name that TITAN hated most. The name that haunted him in his dreams: Keith.

It was when the robots brought the remains of the Pluto dummy that TITAN understood that he had been fooled. TITAN stood up, filled with rage and embarrassment, and tore apart the whole panel.

Maximus Pluto was much like his father. Keith had been an annoying fly that kept sitting on TITAN's food. Maximus Pluto was much like him. A little too like him. He was going to go and get this boy who played with his emotions, once and for all.


Hi Guys!

 It's really been so long since I've posted this story, and I'm so sorry about it.

I'm here to finish what I've started and I promise an ending to this story that you guys will love.

After this book is finished I'm planning on writing the second book to the Confined Trilogy. It's gonna be awesome!

So I hope you guys are still willing for more of this book and I'm really sorry for the long delay.

Thank you for reading, and hope you enjoyed! (If you did I would really appreciate it if you comment, vote, and share to your friends!)



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