13. Violet (Part 1)

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Don’t hope that whenever you look around, someone will be there for you. I shouldn’t have hoped that my parents would be here for me. They aren’t here for me now. Don’t hope that he will be here for you. Don’t hope that Ego will be here for you. He isn’t with me now. Don’t hope that whenever you look around, someone will be there for you. I’m on my own now.

“They were only playing leap frog
They were only playing leap frog
They were only playing leap frog
When one staff officer jumped right over another staff officer’s back.” The song that Giddy, the little boy in Ego’s bunker, sang rang through my head when I had visited Ego’s bunker in the morning. I was looking for him to tell him that I would be away for some time.

Everything was ready. I just had to act.

I had gotten the milk delivery job and I had gotten in contact with Polly. She’d said that she’d gotten the materials I had asked her for. One bodyguard handgun, one tranquilizer gun, two diamond-handled daggers, armored casual clothes, and some other stuff that I had never heard of. I had thought of someone who would let me stay in their house. I’d made myself a map to make sure the way I was going was not mixed up.

The only thing that was not ready was my mind. My mind was distracted. I hadn’t seen Ego for a few days. Well, it was partly my fault because I hadn’t gone to his bunker to see him until this morning. Strangely, he wasn’t there. There was no sign of him like he had vanished. People were whispering, and I hated whispering. I’d been a victim once. I didn’t want Ego to be one too. He’d tried to keep himself out of sight of everyone because he didn’t want attention on himself. I didn’t want him to be unhappy while he was gone.

Still, I was horribly worried.

What if the police had arrested him while we were all asleep?

What if he was murdered and hidden where no one could find him?

What if he was beaten up and locked up?

What if he needed my help?

I wasn’t in the situation to worry about somebody else rather than me. I had enough to be concerned about. But I couldn’t stop worrying about him. I missed him. During the short time he had been away, I realized that what I felt for Ego was not just affection that friends had. I was attracted to him as a boy.

I couldn’t think about him right now. I had to concentrate one hundred percent on completing the plan. Without my full attention, the plan would not be successful. It was too risky. I had to succeed in rescuing my parents.

If I was caught, I was definitely going to be sent to prison. There was no letting me go after beating anymore. I may even be sentenced to a secret death. Execution was strictly illegal, but I think it’s secretly being carried out. Extreme criminals that had genius minds and the people who supported them were probably executed. I’m not going to think about what my parents would be experiencing down in prison.

They were alive. At least I was sure of that. Every now and then, people still whispered about my parents. About how they had been taken to Titan and questioned about who the helpers in the Confined were. About how all of the Confined weren’t safe anymore and how my parents were still keeping their mouths firmly shut. I had to rescue them before more people became in danger. I didn’t know who my father’s supporters were. I did know some names, but I didn’t know who they were specifically. Of course, I couldn’t go around asking people who they were because the police would surely smell suspicion and fall on my trail. I had to get to know the helpers secretly. But how?

“Get in line!” A police officer screeched in my ear. I frowned in disgust. It felt like his saliva was all over my face.

I pressed the hat to hide my face. The police would think of me as suspicious if they knew that I was Violet Crowe. I was still under intense guard. I had to make every move under the circumstances of the Police watching me. I showed them the RL pass for the milk delivery job. Thankfully it didn’t have my name on it.

Nobody noticed me. So far so great. The milk cart was big enough to hide the weapons inside the pile of milk and yogurt packs. I had to be careful so that the packs wouldn’t burst and ruin the machines.
I actually do know how to use a gun. I had special secret lessons for self-defense, including boxing, and using other weapons such as guns, arrows, daggers, sticks, and so on. My father made me have all of these lessons so that I could keep myself safe. I have never used boxing in real life because whenever I panic I actually forget how to do it. I’m pretty sure I will be able to use a gun and a dagger, because those were my specialties.

Just then, the only CCTV camera in the hall exploded. Everyone screamed and covered their ears as broken pieces of metal shattered on the ground. CCTV cameras were never like that. They couldn’t break down from the inside easily. Usually there were hardware issues, but they didn’t explode. They just didn’t work if they went wrong. I twirled around to see what was going on, but there was nothing that I could see. The police were already shoving the line out into the RL. I did hear some commotion coming from the back, but I decided not to take any notice. I had something to do and I had limited time.

I ran into the world of my fears.

The sky was dull. The sky was gray. The sky was frightening.


Hello my loves!
Did you notice the same thing about Violet and Ego's chapters?
Yeah, Ego says that the sky was blue and beautiful, while Violet says it's dull, gray, and frightening even though they went out almost at the same moment.
Tragic, isn't it?
It breaks my heart to see Ego thinking that it's beautiful and Violet thinking of it somehow like a trauma.
Anyway, thank you for reading up to here. I really apprieciate my readers who keep reading and loving my story so consistantly. I love you guys!
You are the best♡
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