13. Violet (Part 3)

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"Well look at what we've got here," the voice purred. I froze. It was the voice that haunted me in the deepest of nights. Her raking voice clawed at my ears when I cried myself to sleep. And here she was, right in front of me.

"Missed me?" Natalie smirked.

My throat was clogged with cries and cuss words. For the past few days, I had learned by flesh and bone that cuss words were there for a reason. There were no other words that could express your feelings so exactly.

"Leave me alone," I managed. I could almost feel the alcohol in my eyes all over again. I tried to step around her but she blocked my path.

I noticed that there was someone behind her but I couldn't see her face behind Natalie. It almost seemed like she was hiding from me.

"Oh darling, I believe you have much you want to say to me right now. Go ahead. One time only chance to get your revenge." She spread her arms out widely as if embracing me in a hug and closed her eyes.

I just stayed still, unable to move. I knew from the party that this girl was not the best friend I had had for years. She had been growing a monster inside of her because of me, and it had consumed her. Whole.

"Please don't do this," I pleaded her for the last time. "Please come back to me Natalie." If this didn't work, she really was gone. She wouldn't be coming back.

She opened her eyes and the side of her lips tugged upward into a bitter smile. Her criticizing eyes pierced into my own as she started to walk towards me. I stayed still, not daring to move until she was just an inch away from me.

"I never went away from you Violet Crowe. I was near you all the time. And I still wasn't yours," she whispered into my ear. The words burned through my chest and I staggered to breathe. She never thought of me as a friend from the start. Did she really mean that?

Natalie stepped back and grabbed a hold of my arms. "I want to introduce you to my new best friend who is way, better than you in all circumstances. Say hi to Liz," she snickered.

Natalie stepped aside and there she stood. The girl called Liz. At first, I didn't recognize her and I didn't blame myself. I had hundreds of friends whom I didn't even know their names of. It was only when I had gotten close to her that I understood the situation.

"Crowe," she said with an innocent smile. She looked much better than last time I saw her.

"Elliot," I took a shaky breath. Natalie's best friend was her? Natalie was no longer on my side for sure. She had turned everyone away from me and my enemies toward me. "Wipe that dirty little snicker from your face you brat." I shot at her. I wasn't afraid of Elliot or Natalie anymore. They knew nothing of what I had gone through. I was much stronger than they were. I had lived through the worst and I had nothing to lose.

"You look awful," Elliot said with a fake sympathetic look. Her gray eyes were full of amusement. And my blue eyes were probably gray of clouds.

"Still better than you, you piece of shit." My persnality was coming back, and it was gunned with cuss words.

"Ooh! You learned how to curse there! Fabulous! You're a total Confined now!" she giggled. I glared at her fiercly. Confined people did not curse because they were the Confined. Ego did not curse because he was a Confined.

Natalie stepped in. "What are you doing here anyway? Somewhere you don't belong." she stabbed a finger in my shoulder.

"I'm working. Unlike you, I do more than eat and sleep and have bedtimes with other boys every night." I fired directly at Natalie. Her eyes clouded over with anger and she clenched her jaw.

"Don't you talk of James like that." she said, frustrated. Then her smile came back. "Oh yeah, you don't know what it's like to be in a relationship at all. You're too in love with yourself to love anyone else."

"I'm in love right now." I replied coldly. "He's great."

"Oh, he's from the Confined? Your meeting someone on your level! Congratulations." she smirked.

I couldn't say anything. I wasn't embarrassed of Ego at all. I was embarrassed of myself. I felt horrible for getting Ego insulted when he wasn't here. And I felt rage when I heard her underestimate him like that.

I stomped over to her and slapped her across the face. "You know nothing of him."

She gripped the white handprint that it left on her right cheek. "Why? You know nothing of James and I, and I can't speak of you like that? That's no fair isn't it?" she said and slapped my face in return. "There, that's quite fair." I felt my eyes sting of tears. She was right. But I desperately wanted to say she was wrong.

"Enough!" I heard a voice behind me. "Natalie, just please leave her alone." Polly said defiantely.

Natalie scoffed. "You're on her side? You're so blind Polly, always worshipping her like a god. Open your eyes!" she screamed.

"I DO NOT WORSHIP HER!" she hollered at the top of her lungs. "I DON'T WANT TO FORGIVE HER TOO!" I held my breath and looked at her, abandoned.

"Well why didn't you just tell me." I mumbled and stared at her with despair.

She ignored me and kept talking to Natalie. "But apart from the times she was a real bitch, she sometimes was a real friend to me. Don't you remember the times we had that were actually good? Those timed were when I was happy." Tears were rolling down her cheeks. "And I'm certainly not happy now when your acting much more horribly than she could ever be."

I understood. I really was a bitch back then. But Polly had still loved me. She was hanging on to good memories.

Natalie shifted in discomfort. She was moving slightly.

"Natalie! Snap out of it! You're my bestfriend now!" Elliot shook her.

Polly turned to me. "Run. Take the cart with you. I'll handle them."

I held her hand in my palms. "Thank you so much.  I don't deserve a friend like you." I gave her a hug and pushed the cart on.

After I took four steps or so, I heard from behind me, "Come back you bitch! I will have my revenge on you! Just you wait! Natalie snap out of it!" I turned around and saw Elliot shaking her fiercly and Polly trying to push her off.

She gave me a weak smile, and probably the last smile I was going to get from her. I was becoming an official criminal tomorrow. Or maybe I was already one.

"I'll have revenge of what you did to me! How you shut me away from everybody! Get back here!" Elliot screamed as I ran away from the sight.

The last thing I heard was Natalie's sobbing in the distance.


My loves! We are running in 1.06k right now and I am thrilled. Thank you so much I really couldn't have done it without you.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter too.

It was heartbreaking to write it, Natalie and Violet's encounter.

I wish they would just patch up you know? Haha. But Elliot, for some reason I really don't like her. Haha.

Okay, tell me if you think anything seems weird, give me feedback! And most importantly show your support! Vote and Comment if you liked the story:)

Thanks my loves.♥

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