Seaside \\ Zhu Zhengting

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"I told you the beach isn't that bad."
Zhengting shot me a smile that put the sun above to shame.

Warmth, warm in every way. A warm hands grasping my own, the feeling of sun on skin. The rhythmic push and pull of the ocean, the tinge of salt in the air. a breeze ruffling clothes, ruffling salty hair. Normally the background noise would annoy me, normally wind blowing my hair every which way would bother me.

For some reason, it didn't.

There was something strange about the sky that day, it seemed to be more blue than it had ever been before. It was quickly turning to a brilliant orange, the colour reflecting off his pale skin. I never really liked orange. I guess I did now.

"What's the worst lie you've ever told?"

"If I told you, this moment would be ruined."

He didn't press further, I didn't say anything further. We never spoke about it again. We never spoke about that day again. We grew older. We grew apart. A moment, a season, time. It all moved on. So did he, so did I.

And the worst lie I've ever told?

Telling someone I loved them when I knew I didn't.

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