Colors \\ Park Jimin

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Why do we yearn for the one we can't have?

With us it was never certain, it was always empy "I love you's" or criticism laced with love.

Maybe the reason his hair colour changed so much was because he was scared. He was scared he'd be stuck in the same existence forever. Forced to have one set persona when his mind was a conduit for multiple. He was forced to be something he was not, his only outlet of change being the hair he was allowed to dye.

Yet he retained the persona he was forced to play to pursue the dreams he sought after. The image of the picture perfect boy on stage and in the media.

I wonder if anyone ever questioned if he truly enjoyed it? All this pain for what? All the struggle and work for what? A chance at a feeble dream?

"Jimin, do you love me?" I asked, timidly.

"I have to go." He said.

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