Dead \\ Im Jaebum

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"I can't live without you."

"Then why aren't you dead yet?" I said as I placed my hands on his chest intending on pushing him out of my apartment.

His hands wrapped around my waist, pushing me forwards into his chest and arms.

"Don't be like that, I missed you. I'm here now aren't I?" Jaebum said, his emotions unreadable by his expression like usual.

"This needs to stop, we're not together remember. You're a hit producer and singer now isn't it! I'm not something to play with when you're bored or drunk." I exclaimed, pushing my way out of his arms and turning my back to him.

He ran his fingers through his hair, something he did when he was frustrated. He stepped closer to me again, bringing his fingers to run up my forearm and resting on my hip.

"Just listen to me, I'm sorry I lo-"

"You loved Ella too." I snapped, my arms crossed over my chest. I looked up at him, he'd changed so much from the boy I once knew. He was so cold and distant, it's like I hardly knew the black leather jacket wearing, pierced, dark haired boy in front of me. I think that's what hurt the most.

"That wasn't real, you know I love you. I didn't spend two years of my life with you for nothing. Just talk to me."

"What's not real, is this. This isn't real."

a series of anecdotes. // kpop + cpopWhere stories live. Discover now