Norway x Reader- Food Brings Us Together

Start from the beginning

Luckily, God/the Universe answered your prayers, since it started running without much trouble.

Grinning at your tiny victory, you make your way over to your crush's home at a pace of a tortoise.

Soon enough, it was almost 8 PM, and when you knocked on his large mahogany door with food in your hand. Not a few moments passed before the quiet man opened it. You heard some chatter in the home, so you knew that he invited more than just his typical two guests.

He entered from the kitchen and nodded curtly. "Y/n. Welcome."

You smiled. "Hej Lukas." You held up the pan/pot/plate/bowl of the food you brought. "I hope you enjoy f/m."

"I'm sure we will."


He opened the door wider. You stepped in, and hand him the pan/pot/plate/bowl of food, before taking your heavy wool coat off and hanging it on a nearby coat hanger.

Still carrying the food, Lukas tilted his head to the living room. "Follow me, please."

Obliging, you followed him and soon meet familiar faces. Those of his Nordic family he'd always tell you about.

There was a silvered-hair boy, who you assumed was his brother, a giant with glasses and a cold stare, and a man in a white beanie.

The man in the white beanie noticed you first and waved. "Oh, hello! You must be Y/n! You know, Lukas has told us some wonderful things about you."

As soon as the last sentence came out of him, Lukas coughed, and headed towards another room with the food, while he muttered a quick, "I'll be back."

You smiled with warmth in your cheeks. "Yup! I'm that girl, and like how he talked about me, he talked about you guys. From what I understand, you're his relatives."

He nodded. "My name is Tino*, and this giant here is my husband Berwald*!"

Berwald grunted and held out a hand for you to shake. You returned the shake with such confidence, the others were impressed. You sent a warmer smile and let out a small laugh. "Nice to meet you, Lukas has told me all about you and Tino's marriage. I bet it was the best wedding ever."

Tino smiled as you babbled. You were so sweet- to which even Berwald cracked a faint smile.

"Ah, enough of me fangirling." You waved your hand. "I heard there was one other person?"

"The King of Europe is here!" A loud, Danish voice chimed in. Turning around, you saw a strange blonde man with gelled and spikey hair. Almost pineapple-ly.

"You must be Mathias." You state, recognizing the tie that Lukas had told you so much about- mostly about despising it and it's the owner.

The Danish man looked surprised before a small grin crept on his face. "Yeah, that's right! As the king of Europe, it's my duty to greet every maiden I meet, especially one as pretty as you." He picked your hand up and kissed it.

"Stop it, Dane." A quiet voice scoffed in the back. The boy with silver hair glared at Mathias. "You know she's off-limits."

In defense, the Dane raised his hands. "Okay, why you seem awfully concerned about your," his grin widened. "big brother, Emil."

Emil's pale face burned bright red as he inhaled deeply. "S-shut up y-you Dane!"

Lukas then walked in and without a word, he tugged on Mathias' tie, choking him. "It's my job to embarrass him. Not yours."

Two men entered behind him. You recognized them as part of his Magic Trio- Vladimir* and Arthur*.

"Hello, Y/n." Arthur, a Britain greeted along with Vladimir- who was a Romanian.

"'Sup, Y/n?"

You waved. "Hey Arthur, hey Vlad."

Vladimir exclaimed. "We should really try the food now. I'm starrrrrrrving!"

Everyone laughed, except for the stoic people like Lukas and Berwald.

Tino headed to the kitchen, saying, "I'll prepare the food." as Berwald followed. And Arthur. And Vladimir. And Emil. Even Mathias went, but not before turning his back to you to face Lukas, saying something in a different language to which you didn't understand. Then, he turned to wink at you.

When he left, you turned to Lukas, who glared at the doorway where Mathias left.

"So," You smiled. "Your family is sure nice."

He nodded. "Hej Y/n?"

You looked at him, and for the first time, you saw the slightest hint of shyness in his eyes. "I- I was wonder if you'd like to go to a cafe or bookstore on Saturday at noon?"


His blue-violet eyes studied yours. "You know I mean it as a date, right?"

You nodded, a grin playing your face. "I know! I'd love to go on a date, Lukas."

When you said that, both of you blushed. You've known each other since middle school, and so hearing that he wanted to the relationship beyond platonic make fireworks set off inside you.

"AHHAAHAHAHAHA I KNEW IT!" Two loud voices screamed.

"Hand over the money Artie!" Laughed a particular Romanian.

"Yeah!" A voice interjected. "Pass the bill, Emil!"

Two voices grumbled before they supposedly passed the money.

All of the crew walked in, with big smiles, except for Emil who had his arms crossed from losing a bet.

"Congrats Y/n and Lukas!" Tino cheered. "Now we can enjoy putlock even more!"

Nodding, everyone laughed. Even Berwald had a small smile on his usual stoic face.

Everybody ate amazing food, told jokes and just had fun.

"Food is amazing," You stated.

Mathias nodded. "Yeah, especially when it brings couples together!"

"Food brings everyone together, what are you saying?" Emil asked, to which you laughed at.

"You're right- both of you." You agreed, holding up your glass, to which everyone clinked.

You glanced at your side, to see your new boyfriend smiling. You leaned in, and kissed his cheeks, making him go red as the strawberry punch.

Food really did bring people together, huh?



Tino- Finland

Berwald- Sweden

Emil- Iceland

Mathias- Denmark

Vladimir- Romania

Arthur- England


Hej- Hey

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