They know....

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That picture is so fricking CUTE!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️

Whisper. Whisper.

"Hey did you hear Y/N's going out with Kenny?"

"OMG! That slut's not worthy of him!"

I was confused. Then I saw it. There was a poster of me and Kenny kissing.

They Know.
            My question; How?

Half way across the hall, I saw Kenny giving me a; "WTF DO WE DO!?!" Look. Then I hear a loud deep voice from the other side of the hallway.

"OI!!! MCKORMICK!!!!!"
The next thing I knew, the hall was covered in blood. Stan was punching Kenny. Repeatedly.

"NO STOP!!!" I ran across to where they were and pushed Stan away from Kenny.

"Kenny are you ok!?!!"
"Yeah I'm fine d-don't worry- Ow..."
"No you're not we need to take you to the hospital." I turned to Stan, "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!!!?!!!!?!!"

"Y/N...." He went to grab my arm. I pushed him away.
"Come on dude." I heard Kyle say; "I'm sorry Y/N."

Time Skip- At the hospital-

The doctor's told me Kenny needs to go in for some stitches but other than that, he's gonna be fine.

"Y/N?" I hear a voice say. Wendy.
I stood angry. "Did you make that poster!?!!!"

"What!?! No!! Of course not!?!?! I'd never do that to you!!!!"

I calmed down a little. Y/N breathe.

"I tried to stop him, honestly I did, Cartman came up to us and showed him one of the posters and Stan lost it."

Cartman. It was him. He's the only other person. Heidi and Bebe wouldn't. I told Eric (Cartman) I loved Kenny. That son of a Bitch.

"Y/N Marsh?"
I stood up quickly.
"Is be ok?"
"He'll be fine he just has a few cuts and bruises....Are you sure you don't want me to inform police?"
"Yes I'm sure."

Time Skip-Outside of the hospital-
"Babe I'm fine honestly."
I froze.
There stood my low-life twin brother. I ran up to him and kicked him. In the balls.
He fell to his knees in pain. I saw Kenny silently cringe.
"You deserve that." I heard Wendy say behind me.
"I c-came t-o a-a-apologise...Ow..." The pain started to numb, "I accept you two as a couple...owie....good kick sis."
I managed to crack a smile.
"Thanks bro." I helped him up.
Stan walked over to Kenny.

Stan's POV

"Sorry Mate, I just overreacted."
"No need to apologise, you're her brother I understand I'd do the same if it was for Karen."

"F-Friends?" (Am I the only one that notices when Stan says friend he stutters?)
We man-hugged (whatever that is- my cousin always says it. XD)

Kenny might be safe...But Cartman's gonna get what's coming to him....

???'s POV
My plan has failed....Onto plan B....
I dial my phone.
"Yeah hi....It's me....I need a favour from you..."

Fatass Down- Mysterion/Kenny x Reader- South Park.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ