Please....Don't be...

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"Here you go miss."
"Oh thank you." I grab the package and run over to my house.
"Mom? Dad? Stan? Shelley?" Huh, guess no one's home, I dash up stairs.
5 minutes later.
I'm so scared. What will happen if it is? What will my family think of me? What will....Kenny think of me?
Beep Beep.
It's done.
I pick up the Clearblue Test and sigh in relief.
Not Pregnant.
"Oh thank god." That fatass didn't get me pregnant.
Knock Knock
"Y/N? Are you in there?" I hear my mom from outside the door.
"Yeah, I'll be out in a second." I grab the pregnancy test (and the box+the instructions) and head out.
"I'm going to Wendy's!!"
"Ok be home by 8!"
"M'Kay!" I'm turning into Mr Mackey.
Halfway to Wendy's house, I throw the box,test instructions and receipt, just to be safe.

"Is that what you put in the bin?"
I nodded my head ashamed.
"Oh baby, I'm so sorry..." He pulled me into a hug and locked me in a tight grip.

"Hey, remember when you used to die and no one remembered apart from me?"
He chuckled. "Yeah I do....wait used to die?"

Flashback- When you Stan,Kyle,Kenny, Cartman and everyone else were 8-9 years old.

"Oh my god they've killed Kenny!"
"You Bastards!"
I sighed. How the Fuck can they not remember? I look over at the dead body. He got shot my my uncle Jimbo....Again.

The next day
"Hey Kenny." Stan said as he walked through the school gates.
"Seriously..." I mumbled under my breath.
"What sis?"
I sigh. "Nothing..." He shrugged it off.
"You ok Ken?" I say to Kenny as he walked away.
(Translation: Yeah, it was painful though. Your uncle Jimbo is a raging psychopath!!!)
I giggle. "Tell me about it."

"Shut the hell up you stupid Jew!"
"Fuck off fatass!"
I go over to them to see what was going on.
"What happened this time guys.....? Let me guess Cartman called Kyle's mom a bitch then Kyle called Cartman's mom a disfigured Kylie Jenner. Am I right."

"......How did you know all that?" I shrug,"Lucky guess."

Back to Present
"Why couldn't it be like that again? Back to Kyle and...." I can't even say his name.
"Cartman?" Kenny helps me.
"Thanks...Back to when Kyle and C-Cartman fighting over god knows what."
He kissed me lightly.
But then I remembered something. Cartman's dead. He's in the news, in the paper and his mother is grieving, trying to find out who killed her son. What have I done? I could've just reported him. But no. Stupid Y/N Marsh did the wrong thing again.
"Just go." I say to Kenny firmly.
"What? Why?"
I lost it. I broke down in a mental panicy state.
"I killed Eric Cartman. I KILLED Eric Cartman. I KILLED ERIC CARTMAN!!!!"
Kenny covered my mouth and hugged me.
"Shhh everything's gonna be ok." He stopped putting a part of his parka on his mouth because some couldn't understand what he was saying. He has a sweet,smooth tone to his voice. I feel safe in his arms and in his presence. I love him so much. I don't want him to get hurt. Kenny kissed my head and spoke;

              "We'll Sort It Out....I promise. You won't get hurt."

Fatass Down- Mysterion/Kenny x Reader- South Park.Where stories live. Discover now