We have some news... :Part 2

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I ran as fast as I could down the corridor to my Mums hospital room almost bumping into one of the nurses, I didn't recognize her.

"Sorry!" I called back to her. Slowing my pace, trying to contain my undeniable excitement.

"Excuse me, no running in the hallways" she scolded like a teacher.

Finally I'd reached my Mums room. The door was half opened and I heard murmurs coming from inside. I recognized Doctor Franstons voice and another males voice, my dad was inside.

I pushed open the door and saw my Dad there, as I'd suspected,with Doctor Franston, Xzavier and Nick. Gathered around the bed. Instantly they all turned their attention to me walking in.

"Layla" Nick smiled.

I walked over to where everyone was stood.

"Hi, what's going on? Hi Dad, when did you get here?"

"Hi honey. I came just a few minutes ago. Nick told me you were in the bathroom"  He gave me a hug.

"So what's with Mum? Is she actually going to wake up?" I asked nobody in particular.

"Indeed, Layla." Dr Franston said

"She was moving her fingers and we heard her make a sound, like a groan" Dad exclaimed with excitement in his tone.

"Yeah. So your Dad called Doctor Franston here and he said that she can definitely hear us speaking and she should be awake soon." Xzavier added

"They've already removed the ventilator and there was no difficulties with her breathing sooo..." Nick said grinning.

"That's a great thing. Nick thank you for being here. I know this must be hard for you too" My Dad said. " And thank you too Xzavier. It means a lot.

"You're welcome Mr Brixton" Nick thanked him "I'll do everything I can to help"

"No worries Mr Brixton" Xzavier smiled at My Dad.

Suddenly Xzavier's attention turned to his phone as it lit up.

"Everything okay?" My Dad asked

"Yeah. Everything's fine. It's just My mum she needs me" he paused "I'll just tell her I can't –"

"No son. Go. Go on. We'll be fine. You come back when you can. And tell your mother I said Hello." My Dad cut in.

"Okay. I'll be back later. And will Do Mr Brixton. Bye" Xzavier waved and hurried out the room.


"Guys guys!" I called out. It was my Mum. She made a sound.

"Okay she's coming around. Mrs Brixton can you hear me?" Dr Franston asked

"Amanda? Honey" My dad added

"Mrs Brixton. It's Dr Franston. If you can hear me I need you to move your fingers"

We all stopped and waited for what seemed like forever. The atmosphere instantly became tense, it was so silent you could hear a pin drop. My heartbeat pounded in my ears, my palms became sweaty...

What if she moves her fingers

What if she wakes up

I'd be more than happy

Then the thought that I'd been successfully avoiding till now invaded my mind.

What if she doesn't remember anything. What happens then?

She doesn't remember what happened.

She doesn't remember who she is.

She doesn't remember anybody.

She doesn't remember me.

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