Chapter two-A lazy Day

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Xzavier pulled up outside my house with me in his car. He was dropping me home because we were both done for the day. It was cold and wet outside, the usual weather here in England, I didn't want to get out the warm lavender smelling car, it was so cosy.

"We're here" he said as he turned of his car engine and unclipped his seatbelt "damn, it's so wet outside and windy...I think I'll just let you go and I'll see you off from here" he says trying to look serious but sadly failing. I gave him a stern look narrowing my eyes at him.

"We've got to go in together my parents want to see you, the last time you came over they said don't be a stranger, you clearly have been" I remembered that my dad wasn't home and I'd said parents but I didn't bother correcting myself. I raised my eyebrows waiting for a response. Xzavier and I have been best friends ever since reception when we were 4/5 we had just found each other and started playing together on the first day in the sandpit. We'd made sandcastles together and a boy had come over and dumped water on my castle and Xzavier must've gotten quite agitated and threw sand at the boy and pushed him on the ground. From what I remember he started getting upset and attempted to cry but no tears came out, I assume I felt "empowered" because I went over and kicked the boy in his side by this time he was standing up and trying to walk back over to get back at Xzavier, but he went down when I kicked him. (I'm sure the teachers thought we were violent children come to think of it) I backed away behind Xzavier as the teachers came out. We had to apologise as did the boy then we went of to play...Xzavier and I have been close as ever since then.

"It's not your parents I'm avoiding Layla" He paused looking ashamed.

"Then what?" I asked seeming confused. I wasn't really I knew exactly why he didn't want to come in. I don't blame him for not saying it straight away it was kind of humiliating. He went red in the cheeks but turned away staring out the window.

Xzavier's P.O.V
"It's not your parents I'm avoiding Layla" I stop. Shoot now I've got to tell her what it actually is I'm avoiding.

"Then what?" Layla asked me, she looked so confused like she had no clue what I was leading to. She should know I told her once, I regretted it, she just laughed at me I tried to ignore her insisting that my reason was nothing to be laughed at. I could see the look on her oval shaped face and the concern in her deep smokey green eyes. She looked up at me through her eyelashes and then she started to smile like she wanted to laugh. She must've seen my cheeks going red I could feel my face heating up so I looked away out the window staring at the ground.

"Come on Xzavier, I'm your best friend you can tell me anything" she whines, I turned back to her knowing the colour faded as the heat escaped my face she is now begging me to tell her, her smile now faded.

"I think you know" I sigh, she's playing dumb I know she is.

"I think you need to tell me" she responds, wow she's stubborn.

"Fine it's your dog okay, he hates me with a passion" I released a breath I didn't notice I was holding.

"Now that wasn't so hard was it" she smiles at me showing her Pearl white teeth "plus I knew already I just wanted you to say it" she laughs while nudging my arm "he's not in anyways" she stated once she caught her breath.

"Where is he then?" I asked trying to suppress my relief.

"At the vet for a check up with my it's just my mum here today" she smirks reaching for her bag in front of her. She knew what she was doing she was tormenting me. I rolled my eyes subtly and we got out the car, I grab my phone and shut the drivers door.

"Come on then" she says, we jogged over to the door not wanting to be in the rain for to long. Layla rang the doorbell, maybe she'd forgotten her keys but I didn't bother question her, and we were greeted by her mother who looked like she'd been in a fight with flour! My eyes widened at the sight of her.

"Hiya sweetie" she beams hugging Layla slightly "Hi Xzavier.. Darling!" She hugs me full on "sorry" she apologised to Layla and I.

"What happened mum?" Layla asked laughing as I closed the door behind me

"Well I just tried to open the bag of flour and this happened, I'm going to run and take a shower I'll be back in an hour or so" she protested running off, her once shoulder length dark blonde hair was now covered in flour, I must admit it was a little amusing that she'd managed to get it all over her...I wonder how she was "opening the flour" I thought to myself smiling. Layla looked at me taking a crisp from the packet she pulled out her bag.

"An hour..or so?"I asked as we strolled over to the kitchen

"Yeah she takes forever in the shower, I don't know why. Want one?" She offers me some crisps, I take two and shove them into my mouth.

"I see. Do you have any orange juice?" I asked chewing walking over to the fridge

"I think so, check. I'm going to change and have a shower" with that Layla scurries upstairs, her long wavy blonde hair swinging in its ponytail behind her.

"No problem" I shout after her. I found some orange juice (my favourite kind of juice) and poured it in a glass and took a seat scanning through my phone to check my social medias

25 minutes later

Layla came downstairs and we made pancakes it was her choice as she decide to be rebellious and snack on a "breakfast food". I shoved two popcorn bags into the microwave and grabbed orange juice from the fridge. We had decided to watch a movie in the front room, after a battle of what to watch I gave in and agreed we'd watch "the fault in our stars" with Ansel Elgort but she agreed to watch "Non-stop" with Liam neeson afterward. We sat on the sofa and got stuck into our snacks. Our lounging about was acceptable because although tomorrow wasn't the weekend I didn't have a class till after midday. So I planned to stay up till late watching these movies.

"This is an amazing movie you'll see" Layla protested taking a huge bite of the pancake. I smiled "I hope so" chucking a popcorn into my mouth.

Laylas P.O.V

I woke up on the sofa with my feet resting in Xzavier's lap and my head leaning on the arm of the sofa. He was asleep with his had rested on the opposite arm if the sofa. I checked the time and my phone read 7:54am. The TV was switched off from the socket my mum must've done it last night. I was feeling hungry all if a sudden and it was getting to 8 o'clock so I got up slowly not wanting to wake Xzavier, he looked so innocent sleeping, like a little boy his dark hair messy and falling over his eyes.

I ran upstairs and took a quick shower then threw on some different attire. A white long sleeve top with black tracksuits and threw my hair up into a bun and slipped on my black and white Nike trainers. I quickly brushed my teeth and headed downstairs to find Xzavier up on his phone then he put it away, clearing plates and cups we had from last night "Good morning" I said slowing down from running down the stairs.

"Hey, where you going?" He asked holding the dishes he'd collected I could tell he was tired and his hair was still all messy from his sleep but he still looked good.

"I'm going to run to Café Nero and get breakfast, now you're awake do you wanna come?I asked grabbing my coat from the storage cupboard underneath the stairs. He nodded, clearly fighting to stay awake and put the few dishes down. I grabbed my car keys

"I'll drive" I laughed "you look a little tired, I'll let you go home and change then when you're ready for your car I'll drive you here to pick it up" I remembered his car was outside my house from yesterday "before your class starts" I added walking to the kitchen were I'd left my handbag with my purse inside.

He smiled a small smile and yawned "So thoughtful, Brixton".

I smiled an innocent smile "let's go".

We walked out the door leaving my mum to rest she'd be up for work soon, she worked as a financial adviser, but my dad had already left, he was a police officer. We got in my car and as soon as Xzavier sat down he got into a position to sleep. I looked over at him while I shook my head, then reversed out to the road from my driveway.

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