Chapter eleven-Amanda.

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The winter air brushed against my face. I glanced and my watch


The dinner at home was cancelled and it turns out many of my family couldn't make it anyway.

I leaned onto the hospital brick wall outside and stared out into the dark night. It was still early but it was very dark. The streetlights lit up the deserted streets and the shop lights added the extra glow. But the moonlight was the main light glistening in the sky.

My mum had been rushed into hospital earlier on and now the police want to take statements. Seeing as we were the ones who were there they came to us first. I needed some air. So the two officers allowed me to go stand outside and they went to get a coffee while Nick and Xzavier stayed inside.

"Layla?" A deep, tired voice came from behind me.

I turned to see Nick.


"Hi, buttercup. Are you feeling better?" He smiles amusement in his eyes at his little nickname for me.

"I think so." I say staring into the night again.

"We should go and give our statements to get it over with. Then we can see Amanda when she wakes up"

"What happened Nick?"

He sighs putting his arm around my shoulder "I don't know yet, but I have my suspicions, Xzavier does to. But we'll figure this out. I promise."

I breathe in and out catching a small bit of Nicks smell, soap and hint of mint. Then turn up and smile at him but it feels forced. "Let's go in"


"That's all that happened. We came home from college to find her on the floor out cold. There was wine spilled everywhere, the glass was broken into pieces. Everywhere." Xzavier says.

He speaks to the female police officer in front of us. Her hair was back in a small bun and she had bright green eyes, with slightly tanned skin. To her right stood a slightly taller male officer, his brown eyes soft when he heard what happened. And his white shirt clung to his dark skin, showing his bulging biceps underneath his bullet vest.

"You said she was still breathing when you came back correct?"

"Yes" Nick, who is sat next to me, answers.

The female officer writes something down. Nodding.

"You also say the rest of the house was untouched?"

"The front room was, I didn't check all of the house my friends and I split up to check everywhere for her, till we found her in the kitchen" Nick says

"See we were suspecting that it was a break in and we-" she was interrupted by the police radio on her uniform.

"The surveillance has been checked. No break ins. Do you have the statements? Over"

The male voice said on the other end.

The lady said to us she'd be a minute and walked off to respond.

Nick looked at me and gave me a nod to see if I was okay 'I'm okay' I mouthed.

"So it's clearly not a break in." The male officer said sighing leaning against the desk behind him in the empty waiting room. "Do any of you know someone who'd want to do this to Amanda? Anybody who'd do anything to her purposefully?"

I take in a deep breathe still coming to terms with the whole situation. "No, I don't" I paused "don't you have any finger prints from the glass of wine. Not everything was smashed."

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