Chapter eight-Honesty is the best policy

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Layla's P.O.V

My mum came home from work and brought me this cute new hoodie that read 'Just being me'. It was grey and the sleeves had thick white stripes going round them at the bottom.

"I just saw it and it screamed, Layla!" My mum got a bit excited and started clapping really fast and jumped.

"Okay mum" I laughed each word. "Thank you I love it". She had also purchased a golden phone case for Nick.

" Thank you Mrs Brixton I love it but you shouldn't have. If anything I owe you something for a thank you for allowing me into your home" Nick exclaimed, running his hands through his hair.

"Nonsense Darling" my mum hushed him waving her hands in dismissal "Its my pleasure." Nick smiled at her thankfully. Then my mum left to the kitchen. Cathy following behind her on the phone.

He and I were doing okay he'd really tried to make it up to me over our dinner two days ago. He arranged us a private table and explained everything.

Flashback to two days ago at the restaurant

The elegant standing building rose sky high and kissed the clouds as it's beautiful glass windows reflected the moonlight. The late evening breeze blew my hair, slightly messing it up from the high ponytail it was in but I didn't mind . The street lights shined onto the pavements in a lovely satisfying pattern. Nick and I walked across the street to the very fancy looking restaurant.

He held the door open for me. "Thank you" I said quietly. The interior was much more mesmerizing, the silver chandeliers hung delicately from the ceiling and the dipped lights gave off a romantic atmosphere. The pearl white tablecloths were so inviting. Mummers filled room and Waiters walked around everywhere balancing plates, and trays some even had glasses on them, they were skilled.

 Mummers filled room and Waiters walked around everywhere balancing plates, and trays some even had glasses on them, they were skilled

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"Its quite the sight, come on we're going to the back, our table is private" Nick spoke softly. I followed him past the tables and round the corner to a door and saw our table in an appropriate sized room full of about four or five other rectangular tables with salt, pepper and cutlery placed on them. I looked around in awe then caught Nick's eye.

"I'm guessing you like it" he smirked "My friend owns this place. So he hooked us up" he explained

"Its great in here, and tell your friend i said thank you" I replied. We walked over to a table and he pulled out a chair for me to sit down "why thank you" I said dramatically. One waiter and waitress came out with one plate each and sat our food down on the table covered with a cream table cloth. It seemed like Nick had pre ordered our food. " Thank you" I gave a small smile at the man who placed my food in front of me. He acknowledged me and then he and the other waitress left.

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