The Candy Shop of Horrors!

Start from the beginning

My heart pounded slightly, as I realized that Lavender would have not heard of me at all. The last thing I needed was her writing to her parents wondering about me. Because she would find nothing. William and Katherine Lightly; Aurors for MASCUSA did not exist. And technically, neither did I.

As the clerk rang up both Walter and Lavender's candy, I told them who my 'parents' were. "My father is William Lightly and my mother is Katherine Lightly; you probably haven't heard of them. Our family isn't well known." I let out a small laugh at the end.

"You're correct, never heard of them." Lavender shrugged, the three of us leaving the small candy shop.

A small relieved sigh left me when I realized Lavender was not suspicious. "What about your parents Walter?" I was genuinely curious, and I wanted the attention of my 'family' gone—considering I didn't know many details.

"Mother's a muggle, father's a witch." He started popping a jelly bean in his mouth. "My mother she is a nurse which is the equivalent of a healer in our world." Walter explained, thinking that I wouldn't know what a nurse was because I was supposedly some 'pure-blood'. As if. "My father's a curse-breaker for Gringotts." He explained just as we all stepped out into the chilly village of Hogsmeade.

It was only early January making it very cold, especially here in Scotland. Snow stuck around the village and students traveled through the streets quickly—eager to leave the cold. I being an idiot decided to wear just my Hogwarts uniform, minus the robe.

Usually I didn't have an issue with the cold as my powers naturally protected me from it. Well now my grace was dormant and it would seem that with it left my natural blanket of warmth in the cold.

"Hey let's go to Three Broomsticks." Lavender suggested.

"No, I want to go to Zonkos." Walter complained, as the three of us stood outside in the cold debating where to go.

"Oi! New girl!" Another voice yelled at us, causing me to turn to the left.

I watched as the kid I beat in the Defense class—Abraxas Malfoy I think his name was, swagger up to us with two other student's from Tom's gang following in suit. Lavender narrowed her eyes, and I crossed my arms wearing an unimpressed expression.

He stopped a few feet away from us with smirk painted on his face. He eyed Lavender up and down, finally meeting her eyes. "Hey Sapphire." He winked referring to her blue eyes, emitting a scoff from her. "Will you let me take you on that date yet?" He questioned, his smirk transforming into a small flippant smile.

"Only in your dreams, blondie." She growled.

"Trust me, you have been in my dreams since the day I met you." He sighed, causing my mouth to fall agape.

I couldn't tell if he was messing with her, and simply wanted to get into her pants. Or if he actually did like her. It was times like these where I wanted my grace to not be dormant, then I could simply look for myself.

She gave a scared look, causing Malfoy to momentarily falter. "Never say that again." Lavender hoarsely whispered, causing him to frantically shake his head in agreement.

Yep, Lavender had Abraxas completely whipped.

"So, new girl." He turned, looking me over. "I don't particularly enjoy being kicked like that, I feel as though I deserve an apology." He stuck his nose in the air.

"You know what, you're right." I sighed in mock sympathy, causing Malfoy to smirk and Lavender to look at me with furrowed brows.

"How's this for an apology?" I softly asked, before kicking him alike to last time—except this time my foot hit straight in his nuts.

It was like slow motion, Lavender's jaw falling open along with the other two hooligans standing by Malfoy, Malfoy falling to his knees grabbing his jewels, and finally Walter pointing his finger throwing his head back in laughter.

"MERLIN'S BEARD!" Abraxas screamed from the ground, gaining the looks of quite a few students. "What are you two just standing there for, get help, get Riddle!" Abraxas yelped at the two guys, who quickly bounded away.

"Sorry did that hurt?" I sarcastically questioned, "It looked like it did." I couldn't stop myself from laughing at his whimpering form on the ground.

Malfoy said nothing, but shot daggers at me with his eyes. He gave a pained smirk on his unfortunately decent face. "Say that to Riddle, you bitch." He told me, causing both Lavender and Walter to look at each other with widened eyes.

"I am not scared of Tom, you arrogant boy." I scoffed.

"You should be, he has power that you could only dream of. And listen, I wouldn't describe myself as arrogant. It's more about the fact that I'm better than ninety-seven percent of this school." He said, beginning to stand up.

"Yeah, and I have power you couldn't even imagine." I told him, something he brushed off not thinking much of it.

It's funny how true my words were. If only he knew.

"You might not be scared of Riddle." Lavender grabbed my arm, making me look at her. "But I am not about to let my new friend get in trouble with one of the most influential, puissant students this school has ever seen." And with those words Lavender and Walter were dragging me back into Honeydukes.

"Get back here, you three!" Abraxas yelled, making no move to follow us—most likely for Lavender.

Just as the door to Honeydukes closed I could vaguely make out Riddle's form swiftly walking to Abraxas who was flailing his arms about. Luckily, the store was crowded enough for the workers to not notice our retreating figures going into the cellars.

Walter was quick to pull up the stone floor jumping down, Lavender following hot on his tail. Just as I was about to go, a sudden noise pricked at my ears. Freezing in my steps, I turned to the stairs listening to Tom's charismatic voice speak with the worker.

"Excuse me? Have any of you seen three Gryffindor students. One male, two female's enter just moments ago?" His questioned delicately.

"Now that you mention it; yeah. I could've swore they were just around here." I didn't bother listening to much more knowing that within seconds they would all barge down here looking for us.

Leaping down the passage, I closed off the entrance turning to Walter and Lavender. Walter grinned wildly at us, beginning to laugh hard. "That was brilliant!" He cried, Lavender and myself joining him.

"When you said, 'Did that hurt? It looked like it did'. That was the best line I think I have ever heard!" Lavender said, in between laughs.

Just as I was about to add how Malfoy cried like a wuss, a sudden sound cut us all off. Our laughter ceased as we listened to what going going on atop of us.

"They must be down here." The worked said, as two pairs of footsteps followed.

We all knew it was Tom and worker, and without a beat we began running through the passage starting on the path to the castle. We weren't taking any chances of being caught by perfect prefect Tom Riddle.

Though I was slightly curious to his reaction of me kicking Malfoy in the balls.

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