Chapter 17: I am coming for you Kim

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Sitting in the living room, the Diaz family are waiting for Mike and Frank to grace them with their presence on the new found information. A few seconds later a knock is heard at the door and Alexander who is pacing the floor makes his way there to open it. 

Opening the door Alexander is greeted with the serious face of Mike, Frank, an unknown man and the person who he wants to kill for causing Kim to end up in this position, Sirus.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Alex asks through clench teeth and a ball fist that is itching to punch Sirus. 

"Look Alexander I know you are piss at me for what I did to Kim but I want to make it right, please do not shut me out, nobody knows Neil better than I do and his hate for Kim's father. I know about his illegally activities and the person who he surrounds himself with, you need me as much as I need you," Sirus pleads.

Alex takes a deep breath and turns around walking away indicating that they should follow him. When they abide, they make their way to the living room where the Diaz family is waiting.

Charles stands up and approach Mike shaking his hand, "I'm glad you can join us, what do you have?"

"We have a big problem, it's worst than we thought," Mike responds with a serious tone.

When Charles looks behind Mike he is furious to see Sirus and is about to kick him out when his son interrupts, telling him that Sirus wants to help since it is his fault Kim is in this predicament. 

"I know you hate me right now but please hear me out," Sirus pleads to the family, he pauses for a second to regroup and think on what he is about to say then proceeds to speak. "When Neil approached me about the software that Edward Jones created, he did not tell me his real intentions. What we were suppose to do was help Kim find the software then take it from her and cause her to lose her job so she would not have any income to use against us. We were also suppose to put a man name Mr. Valentino, a mob boss in Australia on her trail," he wants Kim to become his wife.

Getting angry more and more, Alex gets up out of his seat, walks to the wall and punches it so hard that it made a hole. He turns to Sirus with a piss off look, "Continue," he says with venom to Sirus. 

For the first time in his life Sirus feels fear because if looks could kill, he would be six feet under from Alexander's expression. "As I was saying I decided to do a background check on Neil, that is when I found out about his connections to dangerous people in Paris. He smuggles drugs, weapons, ammunitions and worst of all humans, especially women and children. It is a possibility he is going to sell Kim or use her as an escort to make money."

What Sirus say is enough to make Alex dash towards him and punch him causing him to drop to the floor. Alex did not give a damn that Sirus is still wounded, all he know is that Kim is in the hands of a man who is going to use her and get rid of her like trash. 

Charles comes up behind his son to pull him off Sirus who is bloodied in the face. "Listen Sirus, I only pull my son from you because you are the only one who knows about Neil, but if anything happens to Kim, I will personally make your life a living hell and let my son finish you."                    

Wiping the blood from his mouth, Sirus nods at Charles words and says, "I Understand."

"I think I have something and you all are not going to like it," the man that is with Mike and Frank says. Everybody turns to him with a who the hell are you face, that's when Frank introduce him as cybercrime specialist Toby. 

"I decided to look on the dark web with the help of a few friends and judging by the picture I think I found Kimberley." He hook up the laptop to a projector so that everyone can see it. 

"Oh my God, they have her looking like a prostitute and you can see she is scared by the fear that is in her eyes," Melissa sobs. 

Alex is furious  at what he is looking at, his baby is dress in lingerie that shows off what no man is suppose to see except for him. He says to himself, "When I get my hands on Neil, I am going to rip him apart for putting her in this position.

Charles is holding his head in his hands muttering, "Edward is flipping over in his grave right now."

Toby shakes his head and says, "That is not the worst picture." 

Hearing this, everyone turns to look at him. He clicks the keyboard and nods his head at the screen, "That is the worst picture," causing everybody to look at the screen. 

Alex jumps out of his seat and heads into another room quickly, the only thing that can be heard is the sound of furniture breaking and roaring out of his mouth. Kerry gets up and runs to Charles burying her face in his chest saying, "These people are sick Charles, why would they do that to her?"

Charles and Kerry goes into the room that Alex is in only to meet him on the floor pulling the hair on his head. He looks up and seethes, "They have a picture of her naked and cuff to the bed, and to make it worst is that bastard is grabbing her by the hair and is on top of her, when I find him he is dead." 

Running from Danger into a protective Stranger (Major Editing!!!)Where stories live. Discover now