Sandor "The Hound" Clegane

Start from the beginning

Your First Date-

Sandor took you all over kingslanding. Showing you everything your hand in his. He then took you back to his chambers where you sat on his bed and talked to Sandor he even let you in on the secret on his scars. It killed you a man as incredible as Sandor could have gone through so much pain and had not had anyone to love. At that moment you vowed to love Sandor.

What he calls you-

Little Lamb

You were sweet and innocent. A childlike simplicity. You were pure like a little lamb.

What you call him-

My puppy

Sandor was known as the hound. but little did they know he was loyal to his survival and money but that was before he met you. You became his number one priority. He was with you following you protecting you like a puppy. So you called him your puppy.

Your first kiss-

You shaking sobbing niece had finally fallen asleep. You heard a knock on your door and growled who could possibly be trying to disturb the young girl. You opened the door to see your lover. You threw yourself into his arms. "How is the little bird," He asked? You pulled away looking at him. "She watched her father get executed by the boy she thought she loved by the boy she will marry she is not okay," You explain bluntly. "What about her you little lamb," The guard asked? "Well I have to stay strong for Sans but I watched my sister's husband and a great friend of mine be beheaded I have no idea where little Arya is and I can not trust any man to find her since there Lannister men the men I have known for years were killed Jon is at the wall where I hope he doesn't have to deal with the backlash of this Little Rickon and Little Bran have already gone through so much now they lost there father my sisterhas lost her husband and my eldest nephw is leading an army as a king he is just a boy it will be his death my sister Lysa has lost her mind and her son is a sickly little boy my father is dying my brother is failing as lord everything is so overwhelming yet I can't even shed a tear because there is no question that Cersei and her son will kill me given even the slightest reason and I am terrified so Sandor, to be honest, I don't know how I am," You ranted. Sandor just pulled you into him placing his chin on your head. "The little girl is strong she is probably safer than you and Sansa wherever she is at Sansa is safe for the most part no doubt Joffrey and Cersei will put her through hell but she will survive you, on the other hand, I will protect I won't let anything happen to you," Sandor comforts. You pulled away from Sandor and pressed your lips against his. He pushed you against the door frame as he kissed back. You pulled apart panting as you brought your hand to cup his scarred cheek. "My puppy," You whispered.

Who says I love you first plus how it happens-


You had returned to your chambers. It sounded like Stannis was winning. Sandor was out there on the battlefield and you couldn't bear to think about him not returning to you. Cersei kept making her comments to you and you couldn't handle anymore. When you opened the door fear took you over as you saw a large masculine figure throwing your things in a bag. You gulped when the figure turned to face you. "Help we need to hurry," You heard the familiar growl of your lover's voice. "Oh Sandor I was worried sick," You say running at him and throwing your arms around him. "No time for this we need to go," He growled still shoving things in your bag. "Sandor I cannot leave Sansa," You scolded. "I already saw her she will not leave she say she would rather stay here that is her choice but over my dead body will you be staying in this shithole," He growls. "Sandor I have to protect her she is just a child my eldest sister's child I can not leave the wolf in the lion's den," You explained.  "You can come the easy way or the hard way but you are coming," He huffs facing you closing the sack. You began to protest but Sandor gripped your face in his large rough hands before asking, "Dammit woman I love you and I am just trying to save you can't you see?" "I love you, Sandor, of course, I will come with you," You agree pressing your lips to his. He gripped your hand in his and held your sack with the other pulling you to the stables. He picked you up and sat you on Stranger before hopping on and darting out the gates of the keep.

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